The Snot Heard Round the World – IOTW Report

The Snot Heard Round the World

Meet Trent. He is hilarious. Unintentionally.

Beware of the The Cotton Scarf Brigade!



Read the response HERE

ht/ NeverHillary (and son)

60 Comments on The Snot Heard Round the World

  1. Well you have to admit he’s taken the whole SJW stick to the next level. I don’t think he understands the meaning of fascism though.

    The second picture of the guy bursting out with extra mags, pockets crammed with God knows what and painted green seems a might over geared.

  2. An assault shotgun? What is it a 410. Anything else would dislocate his shoulder. What a putz. My mother could walk right up to this jerk unarmed and beat the crap out of him. And she’s dead.

  3. I wonder if he knows my 70 year old scoped Remington bolt .22lr squirrel gun has a longer range, larger magazine capacity, and is more accurate and more deadly than his assault shotgun………….hmmmmmmm………..probably not….. 🙂

  4. What kills me is the “learn how to use it”. He is 20 something and he is just now embracing his 2nd amendment right. … … There are 5 year old girls who know more about shooting than that putz.

  5. With 4 yrs in the Marine Corps, 20 months in Vietnam, 1400 hours of formal tactical training with pistol, carbine, shotgun, sniper rifle, edged weapons and range time out the ying yang, this little snowflake is the answer to my dream.

    Caution: Be careful what you wish for snowflake, while living in your mommy’s basement, your neighbor just might be me.

  6. The sad part is that a bunch of skinny 20 somethings with beard or without, Have been wounded, crippled and died for his right to spew this pablum. How far back do ya want to go?….1040 AD, 1570 AD, 1776 AD, !863 AD, !917 AD, 1941 AD, 1953 AD, 1965 AD, 1992 AD, 2001 AD….TODAY?….

  7. I had an old model 12 I picked up that the barrel had been shortened after a cuts compensator had been installed (and removed). I found a CYL choked bbl assembly and had the two mated and parkerized. Turned out pretty cool.

  8. That shotgun looks like one of those piece-of-shit Turkish Yildiz shotguns, made in the Filthy Mohammedan Savage country run with an iron fist by that Filthy Mohammedan Savage tyrant Erdogan. It might shoot #8 birdshot okay but try to shoot some Double-Aught buck thru it and that load you get blasted in your face won’t be from your buttbuddies.

  9. Trent ______ III (heaven only knows what #1 and Jr are like), has a Bowe Berdahl-ish air about him.

    Wonder if these two jamokes have teamed up and formed a training camp behind he Hollywood sign, ya know, so they can sneak out under the cover of darkness to renourish their souls with a Venti skinny quad caramel macchiato. *snort*

  10. @Tricky Dick, 300 years? Is that one of those AK muskets that the Founders specifically referred to in the Constitution? LMAO Just kidding, dude. I know it’s a typo, but it’s a good one!

  11. Bad_Brad – “Relax guys. He’d be easy to find. Just follow your nose to the smell of hot cocoa.”

    If this boy finds the nerve to get into the deep woods without pissing himself in fear, you’ll be able to smell tobacco, patchouli, and Axe aftershave from a mile away, along with hearing chattering teeth and knocking knees.

    Boys who play games in mommy’s basement aren’t training, and adults who train in the field aren’t playing games. What’s scary is he might have actually loaded that shotgun – fools and firearms are a bad combination. He’s obviously not as badass as he pretends but he might get lucky.

  12. “The second picture of the guy bursting out with extra mags, pockets crammed with God knows what and painted green seems a might over geared. ” – MM

    Over-geared for what?

    You think this is his every-day go-to-the-mall street attire?

    Bonus question: How much ammo is too much ammo?

  13. These free-loading mama’s boys are easy to identify; just wear a Trump hat, their expression will give them away.
    Then mace the bastards and give them a boot to the vag.

  14. Who the fuck shoots squirrels?!!! I know alot of hunters and they have never mentioned bagging a squirrel… “I like Starbucks” is code speak for pretentious douchebag. I hope he shoots himself in the face with his impressive gun….loser

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