Trump Appointing Historic Number Of Conservative Judges – IOTW Report

Trump Appointing Historic Number Of Conservative Judges

American Lookout – While liberals cry and organize protests, President Trump is doing something amazing for Conservatives that isn’t getting much notice from the media. He’s appointing an historic number of judges and they’re all Conservatives.

CNBC reports:

Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory

President Donald Trump should give special thanks to two U.S. Senators this Thanksgiving weekend. One is still serving in the Senate, the other recently retired. One is a Republican. The other a Democrat. And what should President Trump be thanking them for? Quite simply they have handed him one of the biggest victories any president could claim in the past 45 years.

Yes, this has happened even as one of the most widely covered stories of the past year has been President Trump’s difficulties in working with Congress. The growing rift between him and Republican Senators John McCain, Jeff Flake, and Bob Corker alone has made headlines for months. For a U.S. president to have this many public feuds with senators from his own party this early in his presidency is really unprecedented and makes for hot news copy.

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11 Comments on Trump Appointing Historic Number Of Conservative Judges

  1. As McBoot exclaimed when he proudly thumbed down the obamacare repeal, “Now let’s see him make America great again.” What a traitor. Flake and Corker are no better. Phuckemall!

  2. The Dumbcrats are having a curse Harry Reid party somewhere. Just think if we had a real attorney general who would actually defend President Trump and aggressively take on the Dumbocrats!

  3. 💠 What the story doesn’t say
    is that the SENATE REPUBLICAN GAMBLE of blocking Supreme Court nominee Merick Garland, AND other lower court nominees created a BACK LOG of appointments, which Trump ordinarily would not have.

    💠 So a once-in-a-45-year-opportunity might be an understatement.

    💠 Say what you will about the do-nothing Republicans, they played the game like a PhD against the democrats AND used Harry Reid’s anti-filibuster snafu to make it move along smoothly. So, basically a TRIPLE BURN 🔥 there.

    💠 Why doesn’t the media report this? Because they LOST, BIGLY. And if they focused on every juicy TRUMP VICTORY appointment, the liberals would be running out of flags to burn in no time.

  4. No wonder the left is going ballistic and Hellary’s delusional sense of grandeur is in overdrive. Trump is excelerating MAGA and it’s only the first year of his presidency.

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