Trump names Andy Puzder as labor Secretary – IOTW Report

Trump names Andy Puzder as labor Secretary

Puzder has been equally vocal about his support for immigration amnesty.

There are conflicting thoughts on this pick..

Breitbart: President-elect Donald J. Trump is expected to name as his Labor Secretary fast food executive Andy Puzder, who stands diametrically opposed to Trump’s signature issues on trade and immigration — which won him the election.

Puzder is the chief executive of CKE Restaurants, which includes Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s.

Advocates for American wage-earners say that Puzder as Secretary of Labor is alarming because he will be in charge of enacting policies that directly impact American workers, whom Puzder believes are “unwilling” to do certain jobs. Puzder has suggested that available U.S. jobs should instead be filled by imported foreign labor.

Puzder has even gone so far as to suggest that he prefers foreign laborers to native-born American workers because foreign nationals are more grateful and have a better “attitude.”

“The fact is that there are jobs in this country that U.S. citizens, for whatever reason, are reluctant or unwilling to perform,” he said in a 2013 Politico op-ed in which he advocated for expansionist immigration policies.  more


SNIP: Conservative Treehouse’s take on the situation-

It is being widely reported that President-elect Donald Trump is intending to nominate Andrew Puzder as Labor Secretary. The move will likely fire up the SEIU and affiliated labor activists in opposition. Similarly there will be those amid the more conservative ranks that see Puzder as less than their desired nominee.

However, CTH has an alternate perspective on the nomination essentially hopeful that Donald Trump is intending to finally bring closure to a labor issue with over twenty years of economic crisis, and hundreds of millions spent on litigation as the backdrop.

Most people are oblivious to a reality that began within the U.S. Department of Labor under the administration of George W Bush. The issue encapsulates thusly:

  • Under federal statue it is unlawful to hire an illegal alien who is not eligible to work in the U.S.
  • However, under existing EEOC legal interpretations (Disparate Impact Rulings), it is unlawful NOT to hire an illegal alien who is not eligible to work in the U.S.

Within that strange and very specific dichotomy you find the problem with the modern interpretations of “disparate impact” as they apply to employment screening and employment eligibility.

The problem began under President Bush’s tenure (and EEOC policy), and exploded under President Obama’s Labor Department.



SNIP: And finally—

Trump taps Andrew Puzder, CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., as Labor secretary.

CNN MONEY: President-elect Donald Trump has picked Andrew Puzder, the head of the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast food restaurants, as his nominee for Labor secretary, a source familiar with the decision tells CNN.

Puzder, 66, is a vocal critic of government regulation and opposes a $15 minimum wage, broader overtime pay and the Affordable Care Act.

The Labor Department oversees America’s job market, regulates the workplace, and produces statistics like the unemployment rate that underpin economic policy.

Puzder has been the CEO of CKE Restaurants since 2000. He’s credited with turning around the Hardee’s brand, but his company has been accused of labor violations and fielded complaints about sexist commercials.

His appointment, which would require Senate confirmation, comes at a time when restaurants and other low-wage industries are feeling pressure to increase pay. Puzder would likely resist those pressures as Labor secretary.  MORE


13 Comments on Trump names Andy Puzder as labor Secretary

  1. Think TRIAGE:

    FIRST you get rid of the ILLEGALS.
    SECOND you open/expand the markets for AMERICANS.
    THIRD you address the issue of FOREIGN LABOR on an as-needed basis per sector.

  2. Sounds like an open borders, amnesty pusher. Bad pick Mr Trump, one of your worst yet. we need to stop immigration to this country. This is job #1 Mr Trump. We didn’t elect you b/c we like the way you say “You’re fired.” No more H1Bs, no more diversity lotteries, no more “refugee” ripoffs, no more double secret reverse probation immigration. NONE. Anyone who wants more immigration can surrender their job to an immigrant — do I have any takers? OK I did not think so. That settles it. MORATORIUM. C’mon Trump if you want to protect American workers you’ll have to go beyond “deals.” I am starting to get nervous and skeptical about Trump, whom I backed 100% from Day 1.

  3. I don’t buy foreign labor “as needed.” What happens when ConAgra and ADM tell us they “need” 50,000 slaves. No. NO MORE. Stop the whole damned thing. If you give Corp Am a crack, they will import all of Mexico. If ConAgra and ADM “need” workers, let them raise wages. That is how you help the American worker. Letting CA determine need is how you shaft the American worker. HOw long does this picture have to run until we figure this out??!!

  4. Buck, the as needed is as the Trump Administration determines the “need”, NOT the “ConAgras and ADMs” of the world as you say (which, granted, has been true in previous, corrupt Administrations).

  5. p.s. Your first post sort of sounds like you’re conflating the Department of Labor’s responsibilities (and limits thereof) with those of the Department of Homeland Security.

  6. That wasn’t clear, at least to me, no offense intended. Also staking no claims to know Labor vs DHS relative responsibilities, if that looks conflated it’s b/c I don’t know and am not pretending to (but Labor does have major responsibilities in “certifying” all guest workers who come into this country, including Ag labor and H1B; they are not a bit player). The larger point is that it is hard for me to see “need” for labor when we have 20% unemployment — I don’t buy the BLS ‘official’ fictional numbers. If Trump selected this dude w an open borders pro-amnesty track record, then we have someone in the administration who makes that determination and will do the bidding of the ConAgras and ADMs of the world. I never will buy that we “need” labor in a nation of >300 million people, over 10% of Mexico’s population already having moved here, and 20% unemployment. There is labor supply, there is demand; need is a whimsical desire. Do American workers come first, or are they not. I have had enough “crops rotting in the fields” fish stories to last a lifetime. I myself am more of an “American workers first”, less “American corporations first.” Peace

  7. Why the hell is there a “Department of Labor” in the federal government anyway? Where does the Constitution give the federal government any power or responsibility here?

  8. Thoughts on this?

    “Fast food executive Andrew Puzder is President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Labor, transition sources told Fox News on Thursday.

    This will drive the socialists crazy.

    Puzder is CEO of CKE Restaurants Inc., which owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s.

    He is a Trump adviser who has been critical of the Affordable Care Act’s impact on full-time employment. He’s also opposed steep increases in the minimum wage and has warned about the damaging effects of overregulation, Fox News reported.

    Trump supporters should enjoy his picks while they can because the leftists will come at us with their complete arsenal and their biased media.”

  9. Minimum wage is an artificial price support for the commodity of unskilled labor. Artificial price supports cause surpluses, and surplus unskilled labor is (a component of) unemployment. Artificial price supports also cause black markets, and black market unskilled labor is undocumented labor, drawing immigration criminals.

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