Trump Rolls Christie Towards the Bus and Tries To Wedge Him, Jam Him, Stuff Him Under – IOTW Report

Trump Rolls Christie Towards the Bus and Tries To Wedge Him, Jam Him, Stuff Him Under

The Trump/Christie relationship is officially over.

Trump is furious with Christie for allowing his aide to take the fall for Bridgegate.

Bridget (no relation to the bridge) Kelly is facing a potential 20 years in jail for her role in the petty retribution against the Fort Lee mayor’s non-endorsement of Chris Christie. They closed George Washington Bridge lanes to make traffic a nightmare in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Christie denies involvement, when pretty much everyone on the planet knows he knew about the plan.

Trump is disgusted that he’s going to let a soccer mom go to jail.

NY Post –

Kelly testified that Christie knew of the shutdown of several lanes of traffic, a charge Christie has repeatedly denied.

The former aides could face more than 20 years in jail.

“Trump really doesn’t like it when married women with kids get hurt in politics,” said the source. “Trump was pretty disgusted with Christie.”

Christie’s failure to take responsibility for Bridgegate was the final straw in an already eroding relationship, said a second source, who is close to the Trump campaign.

“She was a factor in the decision because Trump didn’t like seeing her crying,” the source said.

When Christie again denied all responsibility for Bridgegate in an interview with Charlie Rose on Monday, Trump’s frustration grew, the source said.

Tensions had been building for weeks between the two men, with some Trump insiders questioning Christie’s loyalty in the last month of the campaign, when it looked like Trump would lose.

Christie canceled appearances on Sunday shows after the Access Hollywood video of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women was leaked on Oct. 7, the source said. He also failed to attend the second debate, and canceled campaigning with Trump in the last weekend of the race, the source said.

Christie was formally pushed aside Friday as chair of Trump’s transition team and the job given to Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Tech billionaire and loyal Trump supporter Peter Thiel, also added to the team Friday, will have a leadership role, the first source told The Post. Christie retains a token title of vice chair but no real role going forward, sources said.

Christie will now likely focus on what job he can get for himself in a new Trump administration. But a third source said the Trump team views him as virtually “unconfirmable” for a Cabinet-level post.

“They want to drain the swamp, and having Christie there is just plugging it up,” the source said. “He was tolerated in the past because he was viewed as a kind of nice Tony Soprano. But now that Trump is the president-elect those days are over.”

Some close to Trump regarded the New Jersey governor as “a stupid thug who really needed to go,” the transition-team source told The Post.

But Christie said in a statement Friday: “I am proud to have run the pre-election phase of the transition team along with a thoroughly professional and dedicated team of people. I want to thank President-elect Trump for the opportunity to continue to help lead in this next phase.”

25 Comments on Trump Rolls Christie Towards the Bus and Tries To Wedge Him, Jam Him, Stuff Him Under

  1. No one is going to be losing any sleep over Christie’s departure. He isn’t loyal to anyone and has always put his own self and ambitions first. My gut has always been Trump kept him close during the election to keep him in line. Good riddance.

  2. OK first of all. Christie should have never been involved in any campaign.
    Second, I’m sure Trump felt sorry for that soccer mom getting into trouble all by her lonesome, but SHE did her part of the deed and pardon me, but I don’t give a shit how hard she’s crying now.

    How is she going to get 20 years when hillary did… oh don’t get me started on that again.

  3. 20 years??? Did somebody die?

    How about a couple of years ago, when City of L.A. approved shutdown of Century Blvd, the main artery into LA Airport, so unions could protest on the busiest travel day of the year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving??? No, that was permitted, literally.

  4. Good! Get rid of Christie. I saw Peter Thiel’s speech at the Nat Press Club — he was excellent! Find a spot for Mr. Thiel. Another successful business guy who is true to the country and won’t be rolled by the communists.

  5. Christie’s aide is facing 20 years ?
    When Hillary’s perjury, destruction of criminal evidence, breach of national security, bribe receiving, and collusion with the enemies of the United States is supposedly inconsequential ?
    When George Soros’ payment to criminals to commit crimes and unlawful interference with elective process is ignored ?
    Is the United States Department of Justice being operated as a criminal enterprise ?
    Should the ” Justice ” Department itself be charged under the RICO law ?

  6. Trump Must get rid of Christie,George and Donald Norcross who are all associated with Chertoff. These men are two faced and toxic.
    Trump must avoid them if he wants to succeed. Norcross is very disloyal

  7. Trump Must get rid of Christie,George and Donald Norcross who are all associated with Chertoff. These men are two faced and toxic.
    Trump must avoid them if he wants to succeed. Norcross is very disloyal

  8. Molon Labe got it right the first comment. In a vacuum, the media are in hyperdrive. I don’t believe a thing that cites “sources”, particularly any that cite “sources close to the campaign.” If anyone in the campaign talked to the media on their own, they’ll be reading their own obit. Too much loyalty to do otherwise.

  9. So sorry I was worried about the news saying Trump was getting soft.
    Must have been away too long.
    He is a shrewd New Yorker from Queens.
    I can sleep peacefully knowing everyone is fucked.

  10. I am inclined to believe the part about Trump being pissed at Christies behavior.
    One of the 9 characteristics of a great leader is accountability. Extraordinary leaders take responsibility for everyone’s performance, including their own. They follow up on all outstanding issues, check in on employees, and monitor the effectiveness of company policies and procedures. When things are going well, they praise. When problems arise, they identify them quickly, seek solutions, and get things back on track.
    Christie behaved like a self serving coward. Trump won’t want him around, couldn’t trust him.

  11. I have no use fro the fat bastard, so take him out of the story and I think she should spend twenty years behind bars. Add up all of the hours of people’s lives she helped take away and she is getting off cheap with only twenty years.

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