Trump Signs Executive Order Directing EPA to Reconsider Obama Water Rule – IOTW Report

Trump Signs Executive Order Directing EPA to Reconsider Obama Water Rule

WFB: President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to review and reconsider a rule the Obama administration put in place to expand federal authority over the nation’s waterways.

That authority could be be diminished through Trump’s new order, which is the first step toward repealing the Clean Water Rule, put in place by former President Obama in 2015.

The president said on Tuesday the executive order would “pave the way for the elimination of this very destructive and horrible rule.”

“It’s a horrible, horrible rule. Has sort of a nice name, but everything else is bad,” Trump added during the signing ceremony at the White House.

The 2015 water rule gave the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers greater oversight over small waterways like streams to better control pollution. Now with Trump’s order they will review the water rule and begin the process of rolling it back.

“The Clean Water Act says that the EPA can regulate ‘navigable waters’–meaning waters that truly affect interstate commerce. But a few years ago, the EPA decided that ‘navigable waters’ can mean nearly every puddle or every ditch on a farmer’s land, or anyplace else that they decide,” Trump said before signing the order.

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8 Comments on Trump Signs Executive Order Directing EPA to Reconsider Obama Water Rule

  1. Heard about this on NPR yesterday (I listen to the enemy so you don’t have to).

    They were frothing at the mouth. Presented it as if Trump was canceling the whole clean water act back from the beginning. No mention of the fact that obola’s edict covers the puddles in your driveway, no mention obumbles idiotic rules were made up in the past year or so.

    No, NPR screamed! Trump is going to murder us with poisoned water! He doesn’t care! Wallstreet! Greed! and so on.

    Incredible lies, distortions. Creating frenzied crows, scaring old ladies and children.

    No truth in reporting at all. None.

  2. Executive order to the FCC to re-assign NPR’s radio frequencies to another organization that runs the audio from every season of Hee-Haw and Walker Texas Ranger shows, and and in between those two it plays John Wayne’s America: Why I love her, and the old TV sign off that has the line: “Break the surly bonds of Earth…”

  3. He’s asking the EPA to “reconsider” this Act which he says is a disaster. Ok, why not create an executive order that cancels the act and gives a date with which it must be done as well as suspend any actions against groups that were launched by the EPA as a result of Obama’s act?

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