Trump talks to Blue Collars in Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

Trump talks to Blue Collars in Pennsylvania

DC: President Trump touted the roaring economy and tax cuts at a speech in Pennsylvania Thursday.

Trump was speaking in support of Rick Saccone, the Republican candidate in a Pennsylvania congressional special election. The backdrop was the H&K Equipment factory in Coraopolis. The workers at the factory have received bonuses and a cut in taxes due to the GOP tax cuts passed late last year. To show the effect of the cuts, Trump called a factory worker, Ken, onstage.

“A typical family of four earning $75,000 will see an in come tax cut of more than $2,000 a year,” Trump said, “That is like a $2,000 raise.”

Trump then brought on factory worker Ken Wilson onstage, calling him “the legendary Ken Wilson.”  Trump noted that Ken will save $2,200 in income taxes each year and pointed to his bald head, saying “If I had a head of hair like that, I would have been president years ago.” WATCH

9 Comments on Trump talks to Blue Collars in Pennsylvania

  1. You’d think they’d be shunning Trump now, especially after he may or may not have called Haiti a “shithole” in a private meeting

    After all, they do take their cue from Anderson Hunt, dont they?

  2. The pass given to Trump for any comments is not transferable to any other candidates he supports by my observation.

    And you need wins in Congress to get this agenda through. They will be called on to disavow anything he has or is alleged to have said and many don’t have the skill or personality to pull it off.

    The RNC has been de-balled, ok? The Moore defeat was their Establishment Strikes Back Moment. From here on out, it’s nothing but milquetoasts who talk the same old BS if they are going to get RNC support.

    The Rep Establishment still believes the 2013 shutdown was bad and hurt them politically. As punishment, they were given control of the Senate and White House.

    Mitch McConnell didn’t want that responsibility.

  3. Lovin me some DJT but why do we need Javanka out there to whip up the crowd? I never voted for her, nor would I vote for her. She is a big city Manhattan liberal and she should be at home with her kids and family. Sorry ivanka you don’t get to ride your dad’s coattails and start thinking that you are going to be the next president. Sorry but she’s been bugging me now for a long time. Didn’t Anderson Hunt play for the great UNLV Jerry Tarkanian teams around 1990/1991?

  4. @Cliche Guevara January 19, 2018 at 8:48 am

    “many don’t have the skill or personality to pull it off”

    ^^^ This.

    Nobody with the money to burn funding somebody else’s candidacy, is going to fund someone who doesn’t innately grovel well.


    The guy keeps drawing a crowd, is gregarious with the working class (their traditional voters) and keeps promoting his successes which people are starting to appreciate.

    Time to arm-wrestle back the narrative with another smear.

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