Trump Won and You Know It – IOTW Report

Trump Won and You Know It

Gateway Pundit

Award-winning Christian music artist Natasha Owens recently released her powerful new anthem titled, “Trump Won.” Already the single has over 1 million views on YouTube.  And it is yet to be labeled with a warning for viewers. More

14 Comments on Trump Won and You Know It

  1. D–n right i know it!

    But American citizens have “NO STANDING”! So “Bush Republicans” loudly say, “F-ck you American!”!

    As GWB’s darling said 100 years ago, “… it who counts the votes!”! DOMINION counted my vote as a vote for the “Bush Republican”; NOT FOR DON AS I MARKED!

  2. And many others.

    I’ll have to come back to this and see if they ‘Jan 6th’ Natasha.

    She definitely has a backbone to release this! Fortunately God is on her side.

  3. If we ever get Trump back in office, I’d like to see him make Sheriff David Clarke the AG and order him to arrest every crooked dem and RINO he can find and hold them no bail just like those commie bastards to the J6 people

  4. fullmetal256
    MARCH 16, 2023 AT 2:23 PM
    “And many others.

    I’ll have to come back to this and see if they ‘Jan 6th’ Natasha.”

    …I saw a meme today (h/t Anymouse) that was about a shrink interviewing Hillary “The Butcher Of Benghazi” Clinton.

    The shrink asked, “Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?:.

    …To which Killary replied, “Not personal ones but yes all the time”.

    …its like that…

  5. Ed357
    MARCH 16, 2023 AT 2:46 PM
    “Anybody else getting….
    banned and/or spammed denied….
    when trying to post on….
    The Gateway Pundit (TGP)….?”

    …GWP banned me so many times, its the “Nightshade” part of my handle (after the 3rd or 4th banning I started to have fun with it by being Ghost, Spectre, Chimera, etc., just to screw with them). They have weird sensitivities and they NEVER answer a question as to WHY you were banned, so it can be pretty random and impossible to figure out what the problem was. I was once banned for saying Hillary Clinton probably has esophageal varices, and I’m not even sure they knew what it meant.

    And if you don’t know, Jim Hoft came out as gay openly on his site years ago, so that might be an issue with certain posts too.

    …so blog away on them, but don’t get too attached to your Disqus profile, and be prepared to change your IP if you plan to come back. Its a good site, but dude does love him some ban hammer…

  6. @SNS
    It’s only started recently….
    Yesterday they said not them….
    it must be your ip….
    Posted ok until mid-day….now it’s started again….
    BTW….thanks for the reply.


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