Turley Calls for a Special Counsel – IOTW Report

Turley Calls for a Special Counsel


Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley has written that a special counsel must be appointed to investigate the Hunter Biden case because President Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by his son, and has taken steps to influence investigations. More

10 Comments on Turley Calls for a Special Counsel

  1. Why isn’t there a “special” counsel looking into the Jan. 6 abominations?
    Imprisoned without trial?
    But they’re getting away with it – because America does NOTHING.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If you’re going to call for shit that never gonna happen, rock that shit dude.

    Call for this. Let’s start another Manhatten Project to find a drug that’ll let everyone fly!! No one will give a crap about wars or income taxes or anything, we’ll be excited everyday just to wake up and go flying all day!

    Or this. We need a special counsel to find out why we all don’t have unicorns to ride around on all day on. Or how come there’s not lemonade in public drinking fountains.

    Or why does Captain Obvious(J Jordan) keep tweeting about shit that happened last year?? Or what’s up with Inslee getting reelected? That can’t be for reals…can it?

  3. The fact that “The Big Guy” is taking any hand at all in trying to control the investigation is an impeachable offense right there. But, of course, impeachment is not about laws and ethics. It’s about fucking over the public. So, Biden is safe, because he’s fucking over the public right now.

  4. @Tim – FJB April 4, 2022 at 11:23 am

    > Why isn’t there a “special” counsel looking into the Jan. 6 abominations?

    > But they’re getting away with it – because America does NOTHING.

    Not ALL Americans! PDJT pardoned, commuted, and get of jail free carded OVER 140 people. After 1/6, and before PJRB* was sworn in.

    Busy, busy, busy.

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