UK: More than half of Monkeypox infections are in the male gay community – IOTW Report

UK: More than half of Monkeypox infections are in the male gay community

SKY News: More than half of England’s confirmed monkeypox cases have occurred in men who are gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men, new data shows.

Of 190 confirmed cases identified by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) from 6 to 31 May, 183 were in England, four were in Scotland, two were in Northern Ireland and one was in Wales.
The findings show, 86% of England’s cases are in London residents and only two were women.
Most monkeypox cases have occurred in people aged 20 to 49 years old.
111 cases are males known to be gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men, the agency said. more

21 Comments on UK: More than half of Monkeypox infections are in the male gay community

  1. The only Brits I’d wish that on are Prince simp Harry and his skanky wife.

    I think it’s funny as shit that the royals are making them sit in the cheap seats for all the royal gala events honoring the queen.

  2. “… gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men …”
    Faggots … can we spell “Faggots?”
    Or if that’s too harsh, then homosexuals?
    ONLY male faggots have sex with other male faggots.
    No such thing as “gay” or “bisexual.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Q: Dr. Fauci, will wearing a mask help prevent the spread of Monkeypox?
    A: Well, it may keep the monkey from recognizing you in a police lineup.

    H/T Stilton

  4. “…males known to be gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men…”

    Wait…what??? So there is some other group of men who have sex with men we didn’t know about?

  5. We should be fine as long as “…males known to be gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men…” keep their funky monkeys caged when they’re around us…they damn well better.

  6. Isn’t it queer that homosexuals coopted the word ‘gay’ to describe and normalize their peculiarities as a happy place so many years ago?

    Nobody bought it.

  7. Gays are getting their come uppins. I wonder how all those out there accepting gays as a normal way of life, then contracting a deadly disease spread by them, now how do they feel about them? These plagues are nothing compared to what’s coming.

  8. @PHenry: “a happy place so many years ago?” Obama tried to make it a happier place, and now they’re suffering from monkey pox. I don’t care that gays are getting the pox, AID/HIV, etc., may the pox be with them always and always and forever. The good book warned them, and all they did was scoff.

  9. “More than half of England’s confirmed monkeypox cases have occurred in men who are gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men, new data shows.”

    I would think gay or bisexual would cover it. What other category is there where two men are having sex together???

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