Volkswagen Stock Crashes – IOTW Report

Volkswagen Stock Crashes

The value of Volkswagen stock dropped 20 percent after management announced it would stop selling 2015 and 2016 models of their vehicles with its “clean diesel” engines.


 The German company made this decision after the EPA accused the auto maker of using onboard computer programming in the engines to evade emission standards.

 Volkswagen faces roughly $18 billion in fines. The loss of stock value almost equals that figure.


 I wonder what happens to the engine’s performance and emissions when the software is corrected?


12 Comments on Volkswagen Stock Crashes

  1. The mileage actually does not change from the EPA estimates on the sticker.
    These diesels have consistently given 5 to 15 % better mileage due to the software controls off test mode.
    This is nothing more than Obama pandering to the UAW and the environmental lobby that despises the efficiency of Mr. Diesel’s creation that is capable of blowing the electric vehicles off the roads in every respect.

  2. Ha! Wasn’t it back in the ’70s, when tailpipe emissions were first mandated, that US automakers included a blower to add outside air to the exhaust to get the emissions of ‘bad’ gases down to the acceptable percentage (same gases + more clean air= lower percentage)?
    VW just went with the letter of the law, making sure the car passes the emissions tests as specified.

  3. Right you are Burner! California emissions standards called for a massive air pump to be added to engines to inject fresh air into the exhaust and (theoretically) dilute the pollutants. My first car had one on it, and when I transferred to the East Coast I cut the belt on the damned thing and improved performance immediately.

  4. This is such utter bullshit.

    Would the Chinese EPA do this?

    Oh, yeah, that don’t have one, and they pollute as much as they fucking want!

    I have the Passat TDI diesel and I get 42MPG driving like an aggressive idiot. I see electric cars and I laugh my ass of at how fucking stupid they are.

    So yes, this is the EPA breaking it off in the ass of their green energy enemies.

  5. Hybrid and electric cars only “pencil out” when compared to gasoline cars; diesels are more efficient and cost effective. Therefore they must be eliminated. After billions spent equipping private and commercial diesels with diesel particulate filters, we learned that the science that “discovered” diesel soot was carcinogenic was bogus. Sound familiar?

  6. $h1t! You mean VW DIDN’T screw the EPA? I was outta my seat shouting “Yawohl, liebchen!” when I heard they might have put one over on the Watermelons ‘R’ Us agency. Now I see that VW is just a bunch of berks being played by th administration and its lapdog unions. Um, wait, no, I’ve got that backwards. Well, nevertheless, damn.

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