Washington Borrowing $5 Billion a Day – IOTW Report

Washington Borrowing $5 Billion a Day

Just the News

The U.S. Treasury reported a $1.4 trillion deficit so far nine months into fiscal year 2023.

“Three-quarters into the fiscal year and we’re borrowing an astounding $5.1 billion per day,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “If that isn’t a sign that we need a wake-up call, maybe it should be the fact that the deficit for this fiscal year is now larger than all of last year’s deficit – and there’s still three months to go.

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office released a report earlier this year projecting the national debt will be nearly twice as large as the U.S. economy in 30 years. More

8 Comments on Washington Borrowing $5 Billion a Day

  1. “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Evert Dickson
    UPDATE; A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re bankrupt.

  2. They aren’t “borrowing” anything. They are simply printing it and giving it away….. we’ll be like zimbabwe soon.

  3. “trust funds for Medicare, Social Security and highways “will face insolvency” within a decade.”
    All part of the plan.
    When they declare an emergency in Sept. next year, to cancel the election, they will confiscate everybody’s retirement accounts.

  4. Enjoy the moment. It is quickly passing. Christ spoke of the end times, and we are all living and have always lived in the end times (our own, if no other).

    It is a swan song moment. If you want something, get it now, it is all going away fast.

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