Washington State Really, Really, Really Wants the Abortion Pill – IOTW Report

Washington State Really, Really, Really Wants the Abortion Pill

Expecting the worse (from their perspective), the evergreen state spent $1.3 million of taxpayer money acquiring 30,000, mifepristone pills. The University of Washington ran its supply of the abortion drug up to 10,000 doses for what they estimate would be a four-year supply. More

In addition, a federal judge in Washington state ordered the FDA to keep the drug available, setting up a clear conflict of rulings with the Texas court that put a nationwide injunction against the drug. The dueling courts should expedite a Supreme Court ruling on the subject. Here

10 Comments on Washington State Really, Really, Really Wants the Abortion Pill

  1. Damn communists using taxpayer money to kill humans.

    However, I do believe Constitutionally it is up to the states to decide even though I believe it’s wrong.

  2. It’s unfathomable how desperately the commie leftists want to kill the unborn.

    If the leftists are so HELL bent on preventing children from being born….Why don’t they just stop fucking???

  3. @fullmetal256 a judge in Texas put a nationwide injunction upon the abortion pill. I expect unless other states have judges to counter that injunction, it will block the prescription of the drug until there is another ruling from a higher court that either upholds or removes the injunction.

  4. I am a lifelong Wash. state native of 70 years, I love my state and Eastern Wash. in particular but I despise the democraps who run this state from the Puget Sound/Seattle area and Jay Pinheadslee our lousy ecoweenie governor. The last decent democrat governor that we had in Wash. state was Dixie Lee Ray back in the late 70’s and early 80’s and that was because she wasn’t a career politician like most of the democraps who run this state.

  5. That evil dovetails nicely with the lies that got the carbon tax passed last year which will more than double the state’s gas tax in 2023 up to about .58/gal.

    Imagine you’ve bought the bullshit about an abortion pill and are sitting alone on a toilet and eject your baby along massive internal pain and bleeding. yeah that’s the abortion pill and the only thing these evil scumbags are sorry about are the lost revenue from your babies’ body parts.

    Are they even human? Do you know in your soul, if they could get us into boxcars, they wouldn’t hesitate for 1 second? Because you better wrap your mind around that of you’re going the way of the dodo.


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