Watch: Biden Admits He Has No Clue What’s Happening in His Admin – IOTW Report

Watch: Biden Admits He Has No Clue What’s Happening in His Admin

Team Tucker Carlson: It’s been one of the biggest diplomatic gaffes of the nascent administration of President Joe Biden. And according to Biden himself, he didn’t even know it was happening.

And mind you, we’re not talking a mistake of omission — like neglecting to send congratulations to Germany’s likely new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, because Biden forgot Deutschland was having an election. (Stupid Apple calendar — making you manually add an alert to “German general election” to get reminded.)

This was a sin of commission, instead: During a joint media briefing with French President Emmanuel Macron in Rome on Friday, Biden admitted the way the United States went about the AUKUS submarine deal — in which the U.S. and the United Kingdom reached an agreement to supply Australia with nuclear submarines, thus canceling a deal Australia had to buy diesel submarines from France and doing it behind France’s back — was “clumsy.” This was in part, the president said, because he “was under the impression certain things had happened that hadn’t happened.”

Let me reiterate: The president of the United States of America, the guy in the buck-stops-here seat in the White House who has been talking ceaselessly about how “America is back at the table” geopolitically, is either admitting or falsely claiming that he didn’t know about aspects of a submarine deal that caused America’s oldest ally to recall its ambassador. more here

9 Comments on Watch: Biden Admits He Has No Clue What’s Happening in His Admin

  1. Has he accepted responsibility for ANYTHING since he’s been in office? That being said, I’m sure his staff doesn’t keep him informed; they do what they want, knowing he’s a convenient scapegoat.

  2. Joe is the merely the Mouth of Sauron, if being the Mouth of Sauron included saying and doing creepy, demented, lunatic shit, like groping women, sniffing kids, and crapping his pants like a toddler. He’s still only a mouthpiece for The Powers That Be lurking in the shadows behind him.

  3. “the guy in the buck-stops-here seat in the White House ”

    The guy in the – 10% of the buck stops in my pocket and you’ll have to ask Hunter about the rest –

    Fixed it!!


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