WATCH: Biden Speech STOPS Suddenly – Something Happened… – IOTW Report

WATCH: Biden Speech STOPS Suddenly – Something Happened…

Biden just learned how hated he really is…

During what can only be described as a Nazi-inspired speech surrounded by armed guards dressed in black surrounded by blood-red walls, Biden continued to target the patriots who voted for Donald Trump.

But the audience was having none of it. Footage was released revealing a man using bullhorn to disrupt Biden. Biden stopped his speech and was forced to acknowledge it.

The incident reportedly came just minutes before someone shouted “F*** Joe Biden” at the top of their lungs.

He’s not as popular as he thinks he is. Biden is watching his entire regime collapse due to his incompetence and hatred for America.

Did YOU think Biden’s speech showed his true colors? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

40 Comments on WATCH: Biden Speech STOPS Suddenly – Something Happened…

  1. He is a stooge of the Obama Cabal, which has marxist/communist leader all through the agencies and his administration. He was chosen for a reason. He is doing what he is told.

  2. He’s just doing the bidding of the satanic nwo cabal…. and I think those marines are wearing navy blue dress uniforms.

  3. I noticed that the networks didn’t really cover joeys bs speech last night like they normally would have. Perhaps they were afraid he’d lose his mind, ramble on incoherently, shit his pants on the public stage and show the world that he is a totally, incompetent buffoon. That was my prayer last night that he would really turn out to be the Emperor with no clothes and the whole world would see it. FJB/LGB!

  4. Being the crass, arrogant, asshole piece of shit he is and always has been, I’m surprised the pedophile doesn’t yell “Fuck you, too” back.

    But he probably figures actions speak louder than words.

    If so, he said it often, and first.

  5. Clintons mastered the art of blaming their enemies for the very crimes they themselves are committing. Every communist since them is doing the same thing. Every Biden speech is an example. Today, nobody can beat Schumer at looking right into the camera and accusing Conservative of destroying our country while everything he and his comrades are doing is destructive. I have no doubt the CCP pays Schumer as much as they pay Pelosi and Obama. Russia and China are going to destroy America and not have to fire a shot.

  6. There have been a couple of movies, where the plot is a mentally retarded guy takes an experimental miracle drug that gives him temporary, normal intelligence. But in the movies it always wears off. I think they pumped him up with something right before he went on stage. Cocaine?

  7. Odin 2013
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 AT 9:04 AM
    “Nice imagery. One wonders when the US military will turn their rifles on Americans.”

    Everone seems to be OK with other parts of the federal government killing citizens, so why wouldn’t they use the military?

    Looks like the FBI, ATF, IRS, can kill you just as dead any time they want.

  8. Odin 2013
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 AT 9:04 AM
    “Nice imagery. One wonders when the US military will turn their rifles on Americans.”

    You mean, AGAIN.

    Because it sure won’t be the first time.

  9. Tony R
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 AT 9:31 AM
    “I think they pumped him up with something right before he went on stage.”


    Pure, uncut, high grade hate.

    Its their most effective drug, which is why they give it to millions every day.

    He hates us very personally when he can think at all.

    Never doubt that.

    “Would that the Roman people had a single neck [to cut off their head].”


  10. Now With New And Improved Maximum Strength Hate SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 AT 9:49 AM

    As I wander into the weekend at IOTW I suggest that there’s a two-fer in play here.
    The fear goes along nicely with the hate.
    Can be found on both sides of the equation.

  11. I think exactly what I thought in 2020. you don’t do something so blatantly horrible less you know you have nothing to worry about. they know the fix is in, they know they can do or say anything.

  12. Did the FCC step in and immediately censor the heckler yelling “Fuck you’ at joey. Did the FBI or the Secret Service step in real fast and arrest the heckler and haul them off immediately to the Gulag? Enquiring minds want to know. Was there a 5 to 6 second tape delay so they could remove the heckler yelling the F bomb at our fearless leader before anyone heard it.

  13. So much thatโ€™s just weird and frightening. Begin with Jill walking him out and collecting him at the end. He is incapable of independent thought or movement. Like a cyborg. The satanic set. We couldnโ€™t Even really see the. Marines behind him โ€” just dark shadowy figures. The bristling hatred in his words.

    I deeply fear they are aggressively trying to incite violence (read Beattie on Revolver) declare martial law and take permanent control. I have ceased believing it could not happen here. It is happening. Iโ€™m praying every day.

  14. Tony R September 2, 2022 at 9:31 am
    There have been a couple of movies, where the plot is a mentally retarded guy takes an experimental miracle drug that gives him temporary, normal intelligence. But in the movies it always wears off.

    It’s a famous science fiction book called Flowers for Algernon, and it’s an operation instead of a drug.


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