Welcome Auntie Red – IOTW Report

Welcome Auntie Red

A little birdie told me we have a new reader, one of those newbies to conservative blogs who is about to get thoroughly red pilled. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a Republican, but she’s an Oregonian oops, Washingtonian Republican, who, admittedly, doesn’t get her news from blogs such as this.

Welcome Auntie Red.

96 Comments on Welcome Auntie Red

  1. Well, she is headed the right direction anyway. If she was to post a couple comments we could get an idea of what her thinking is. That always helps to get to know someone. Just be sure to create an identity, if she posts as anonymous we won’t know her from any of the other anonymouses. Here’s to you Auntie Red, glasses clink, cheers!

  2. Oregonian, huh? It’s ok. You can get used to the shunning when you finally have the opportunity to embrace thr real truth. I’m a Chicagoan all my life. In the belly of the beast downtown. It actually provides an even more acute perspective on the rank ignorance and evil of the progressive movement.

    Welcome to Auntie Red from Redgrandma. 😘

  3. Auntie Red, Brad isn’t really the resident asshole, he’s just misunderstood sometimes. He has a way of growing on you. Actually a bunch of us might say the wrong thing at one time or another. It mostly gets forgotten, at least by me anyway.

  4. Welcome to Auntie Red. You’ll find me a man of few words, as compared to, say, “War and Peace” or “Gulag Archipelago”, but I do try to have some kind of point and praise the Lord at most opportunities.

    Don’t feel bad about skipping me, but also don’t feel bad about praising the Lord here. You’ll find this is a Christian safe space thanks to our esteemed hosts, and you can ask for personal prayer here and we will pray for you, and with you.

    And we will succeed with the Lord’s help and by His grace, and while we’re not always worthy of Him, we never forget that.

    “1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
    2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
    3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”
    1 Timothy 4:1-5

    …see, HE knows what’s going on!

    …and now that you’re coming here, to the best news aggregator and conservative asylum, YOU’LL know what’s going on, too.

    Again, welcome. Feel free to speak up. Some of us won’t shut up, so you’re in good company if you do. 😉

    God Bless,

  5. Hi Auntie Red—

    I’ve spent many years in Oregon.
    Some good…..others…not so much.

    We’re politically outnumbered, hated and demoralized.

    I haven’t given up the fight and hopefully you haven’t either.

  6. Welcome Annie but beware. There is no one here but a bunch of cult Trump posters – But don’t despair. I am here to straighten up their misconceptions with my brilliant leftest commentary!

  7. Auntie Red this is my first place to visit each day, and I hope you get used to the banter and wisdom that prevails here. We are definitely a diverse community of fair and loving people, who agree to disagree at times. You will find the American spirit alive and well here! Welcome aboard from an old Navy veteran!

  8. Oh ho! Auntie Red is in for a great time!! We laugh together, we cry together, we pray together, we get mad and offended by each other once in a while, then we forgive each other. We are family.

  9. FYI, I have recently learned that the Left is attempting to plant a Commie mole in our midst in order to spy on us and report on our activities. Ironically, they have dubbed her “Auntie Red”, never suspecting that we would catch on to their sardonic sense of humor.

    Just kidding, of course.

    …I hope.

    Seriously though…Welcome, Auntie Red!



  10. Oh, goodie! Another parent’s sibling! Welcome and best wishes from Uncle Al.

    This is a great (virtual) place; it’s been an important part of my online life for quite a few years, going back to IOwnTheWorld.com days.

    Please try not to be reluctant about making comments as a new person. Dive right in, the water’s fine!

  11. Hi I’ve been reading alternative media for about 12 to 13 years now. I used to subscribe to Newsweak! Started with the anti-jihad groups and moved on to Breitbart. Used to have cable but TV free these last 2 years (I do miss it a bit sometimes) I once voted for Barry Sotero during his primary when I still lived in the city. And I used to mock Rush L. whom I now revere (Rush Revere!)

  12. Hello Auntie!
    You’re not the only one behind enemy lines. I hail from the late great state of California.
    We’ve just about exported all our assholes to the other states, so we’ll be good soon.

  13. Auntie Red? code for Antifa Commie? Christ on a bicycle, you ain’t that commie broad who just got her ass kicked in the Portland mayor race and lost bigly, are you?

  14. AbigailAdams
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:51 PM
    ” It’s got a lot of info and it’s fun to take a stroll down memory lane, too.”

    …and, if you go deep enough to get to my second comment, you’ll find a link to an even EARLIER (2018) version of that that includes lost friends like Moe Tom as a bonus, but to save the trouble!, I’ll just put that here as well…


  15. Thanks, SNS! I knew there was an earlier one but I didn’t want to hunt it up. I miss Moe Tom, Greetings from Yonkers, Reboot and others who have gone on to their great reward.

  16. Hello, Red. I’ve been here so long I don’t recall what year I found IOTW, but I am still so glad I did! It’s where I start every day to get news, laugh and sometimes see disgusting things! 😂

  17. We’ve moved on to guessing her occupation. My vote is ranger from exploding whale beach and Mansfield picks “losing candidate of Portland mayoral race”

    Pet therapist and shag carpet salesperson are still up for grabs.

  18. …a Republican from Washington? She’d have to be a unicorn rancher to match THAT stat, I know we have a few here, but so few that there’s enough unicorns to go around…

  19. Damn. And here I was hoping for ‘Submarine Captain’.

    Possibly, fork lift driver at the Tillamook cheese factory.

    Third choice would have to be ‘professional Sasquatch groomer.’ I bet you meet all kinds of people in that job.

    OMG!!!! What if she’s an arsonist? How exciting would that be?!

    (fingers crossed)

  20. “We’ve moved on to guessing her occupation.”

    I had no idea. But I got it. Gerbil Rancher. That’s a damn good market on the west coast. I’ve thought about it myself.

  21. @Auntie Red – Welcome! Sit down at the open chair/stool, you walked into the right RED Neon sign bar…or kitchen…I’m only here a few years now, so you’ll do good. Don’t be afraid to say what you want here. Just don’t bad mouth the Mets…

    @BFH – just today I received an e-mail from a former co-worker now living in Charlotte, NC and she said how she was a ‘realized’ conservative and how crazy things are, from seeing and watching comments on Facelessbook where she was questioned about her FAITH.

    I told her to come over ‘across the street’ to IOTWr.

    WE RULE THE WORLD AND THE INTERNET…not necessarily one in the same…

  22. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:37 PM
    “I’m just sayin’ we’ve never had an (admitted) arsonist around here.
    It sounds pretty sexy.”

    …um, I’ve been on the wrong side of an arson or two, and had a squad partner who I came up with that turned out to be an arsonist of dumpsters, mostly so he could get out with his girlfriend at night. Asshole got caught setting fires in A VEHICLE WITH A FULL LIGHT BAR ON IT, he was THAT retarded.

    Other arsonist I was on burned unsuspecting people bad enough to earn them long sessions of debrieding their dead flesh off with wire brushes.

    And that’s BEFORE we get to the Portland political kind.

    Nothing sexy about arson, unless you count the ass-raping I sincerely hope an arsonist gets for 25 years minimum in prison as “sexy”.

    …just sayin.

  23. @Auntie Red – if you have a pet or LOVE animals?

    Be sure to watch for Claudia’s Sunday Critters…AND you can send her pics if ya wanna to…there is a link ^^^^ way up there…it’s the ‘about us’ tab.

    I found that to be a good start…and @BFH’s pet portraits tab…

  24. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:26 PM
    “Third choice would have to be ‘professional Sasquatch groomer.’ I bet you meet all kinds of people in that job.”

    …no, just “Michelle” Obama…

  25. Welcome to the family Auntie Red! Big hugs are encouraged and accepted but big slobbery kisses are a no-no. I’m a native Washingtonian moved to Oregon about 20 years ago, from the Evergreen State to the Other Green State.

  26. Thank you all SO MUCH for your warm welcome to me, and special thanks to my friend, Abigail Adams, for making me aware of this blog and inviting me to join you all. While I appreciate the anonymity of this sight, I must set the record straight up front about one thing. I am really not an Oregonian. I’m originally from northern MN, but I have lived in the Seattle area for 40 years. I am also a proud alumnus of the University of Washington and a RABID UW football fan. If you know anything about college football, you know that a HUSKY fan NEVER, EVER wants to be mistaken for an Oregon fan. (You know what “Duck” rhymes with, right? 😉 ). I am also a Christ follower and a VERY PROUD Donald Trump supporter, so like a lot of you, I am just a bit worked up about much of what’s happening in our beloved country these days. “Justice is mine, says the Lord”, and I hope and pray along with many of you that truth and Divine justice will prevail in our election and well beyond. Thank you again for your gracious welcome to this blogging community, and I look forward to learning, sharing and having some fun with all of you here. May God bless you all and let’s do the “MAGA”! 💃🇺🇸🕺

  27. Thanks for the reveal, Auntie Red, but Auntie Red seems to be an alternate screen name.
    As far as I’m concerned this is the “happening” conservative site on the planet. Smart, intense, passiontely right leaning, snarky commenters are a dime a dozen here, but that only means we know where to go for companionship – thanks to BFH.
    Linked to iOTW in 2009 before it became iOTWr. Glad I did and greatful iOTWr is a place that helps me stay grounded and keeps a current, focused and true conservative perspective.
    BTW, Jesus is Lord and MAGAA 2020!

  28. Hmmmmm, Auntie Red, it sounds familiar actually. Welcome!

    Welp, if Auntie’s got the snacks, I’ll put toothpicks in all the muktuk and we can get started. Oh yeah, ehem, I’m late.

    Well, this is a great site and one I personally check multiple times a day, even if I don’t comment a lot lately. Prayers are given freely, laughter abounds and fights occasionally break out. Like a bunch of squabbling siblings in a house with only one bathroom.

    I’m pretty much the quiet one, but that’s ok – there are a lot of great insights here and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

    Hope you have fun!

  29. Welcome Auntie Red.

    Type carefully, proof read before hitting the [post comment] soft button.
    The edit function is, ah, unpredictable, kind of moody.

    Mr. BFH claims he’s trying to fix it. But I’m not sure he is. I think he likes to randomly capture what people write. Stuff that looks like they would have changed it or deleted it, moments later, if they could. But they’re trapped and cannot.

    You’ve been warned. But we all know we will be reading your goof ups. You probably ought to skip reading my stuff too, it’s usually a waste of time. Except this one. It’s a sincere & useful warning.

    HA! I looked for new plugin. There isn’t any! – bfh

  30. @VietVet, my teen son loves that movie and often tells me movie trivia, so I know about that goof up w the rules that they just left as he said them. And that movie grew on me so much too so that when ppl reference it I get a little giddy too.

  31. Greetings and welcome from Texas, Auntie Red! There are quite a few of us Texans here. We don’t bite, so come on in and “set a spell” with us. Oh, and reconsider using yer real name around here. Trolls like to come by once in awhile, and they’ve been known to stir up trouble.

  32. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:26 PM
    “Damn. And here I was hoping for ‘Submarine Captain’…”

    THERE’S your submariner, Aaron! Been here awhile, and no love from YOU.


    …or something…

  33. Auntie Red, “originally from northern MN”. I lived in the Twin Cities area for 32 years. You Northern MN people are great!

    Aaron, will a pyromaniac do? I qualify. Give me something to burn and I’m there!

    P.S. My sisters wouldn’t let me tend the leaf pile burn yesterday. I pouted.

  34. Claudia, you should probably promise not to bring a leaf blower next time.

    Welcome Auntie Red! Make yourself comfortable, but we only show you where the bathroom is once we’re fairly sure you’re not going to steal the toilet paper.

  35. My comment was deleted and I think I know why. I didn’t reveal anything that hadn’t been revealed earlier. I apologize. A heads up would have been nice. Welcome Auntie Red.

    It’s okay – bfh

  36. Glad Auntie Red’s rookie commenter mistake was caught quickly and edited. Hopefully, her faux pas was not that noticeable. I just assumed Auntie Red was introducing another screen name.
    The internet is a dangerous place. We must always keep security in mind when commenting on any site.

  37. Thank you to all for the additional welcoming comments here this a.m. I probably won’t be able to check this several times a day, but will do so when I can and I am SO looking forward to this adventure with y’all! FYI regarding my occupation, I’m actually a retired drug dealer. It set me up for a comfortable retirement, so life is good! 😉 HAPPY TUESDAY! I’m off to lunch with a friend for now!


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