Well, They Are Now Famous – IOTW Report

Well, They Are Now Famous

REVEALED: The latest NYC vandals ripping up posters of Israeli child hostages are a Brooklyn magician and his teacher wife

Now you see him, now you don’t. Asshole will be fired.

  • Kelly and Noah Schaffer tore down posters at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Dumbo
  • Kelly worked previously for a city schools program and Noah was a magician 


Brooklyn ‘magician’ Noah Schaffer and his wife, city social worker and protester Kelly, were confronted after tearing down another set of posters. 

When approached, Kelly remained silent, clutching the posters in her hand. 

Her husband then started laughing at the Jewish woman who had confronted them, saying: ‘We don’t consent to you recording us.’ 

The pair – who live in a $900,000 apartment in Prospect Park South – then walked away. 

Noah previously worked for A Taste of Magic, a magic and dinner show on the Upper West Side.

A producer for the show confirmed to DailyMail.com that it was Noah in the video. He added that Noah had not worked with the group for a year. 

‘A Taste of Magic has no association with him or his recent actions, he hasn’t worked here for over a year,’ the producer said, declining to comment further on his actions. 

Kelly, his wife, previously worked as a social worker at Urban Dove, a city school program in New York. 

She is listed among protesters on the website ‘antifa watch’ after being arrested in New Jersey at a protest outside the Bergen County Jail where she and others demonstrated against ICE. 


10 Comments on Well, They Are Now Famous

  1. Hey Noah, you should have played some Disney music when they tried to record you. Your buddy David Hogg says it makes you invincible. Maybe blast “It’s a Small World” through a bullhorn next time you’re being a public douchebag.

  2. Ignorant emotional parasites.

    I learned something new from Gary Hamrick in his presentation of the history of Israel and Hamas.

    In 2005, Christian Smith, a Harvard Doctor who now teaches at Notre Dame, coined the term “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism” to describe our current population of (mostly) young adults who seek to create a god of social problems in order to feel good about themselves. This is why, generally, there are so many college-aged people who have jumped on the antisemitic bandwagon. Most of them have no idea what they are protesting against or what they are advocating for, and they don’t really care, anyway. They’re not in it because they feel passionate about the Jews or the Palestinians. They’re in it because they feel passionately about themselves and their own false sense of worth.

    The two written about here are excellent examples of people who jump from cause to cause to cause, sucking the feel good marrow from the bones of any sort of social cause du jour. They’re not only parasites in the material sense, but they are also emotional parasites who, if they think of themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend, more likely just live parallel lives as they take up each others’ time for their own selfish emotional needs.

    This is why, when one scratches the surface of any given “social influencer” or any of those people who start up fundraisers or foundations for Leftist causes, finds very little to nothing about them from their past that commends them or even qualifies them to be, say, in charge of a multi-million dollar 501c3. In most cases, the whole thing is a fraud from top to bottom. Turns out these people don’t care and probably never cared about the cause to begin with.


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