We’re No Longer Measuring Success In Afghanistan – IOTW Report

We’re No Longer Measuring Success In Afghanistan


The United States has decided to either classify or do away with “almost every” metric for success or failure in Afghanistan, John Sopko, the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), revealed this week. More

13 Comments on We’re No Longer Measuring Success In Afghanistan

  1. Alexander
    Ottoman Turks

    And now the USA.

    Read your Kipling. No one has ever tamed Afghanistan and no one ever will.

    You know….unless you guys think we should let Chiner take a whack at them. They did a bang up job in Tibet.

  2. Let em sell their opium in Russia and China.
    Not really our back yard.
    The Russians would have “pacified” them back in, what?, 1980s?, except our sense of international “morality” took over and we armed the Mujahideen.

    Seems like every time we try to help someone (S. Korea, S. Vietnam, Afghanistan, &c.) they shit on the dining room table.

    izlamo delenda est …


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