WH staffer indicted on assault charges resigns – IOTW Report

WH staffer indicted on assault charges resigns

TheHill- A White House aide indicted for allegedly firing a gun at her boyfriend, a U.S. Capitol Police officer, has resigned.
 Barvetta Singletary

Barvetta Singletary submitted her resignation effective Aug. 28, a White House representative said Wednesday. Her resignation was accepted.
Singletary is departing the West Wing three weeks after the Aug. 7 incident, in which police say she confronted her boyfriend about another woman. more

15 Comments on WH staffer indicted on assault charges resigns

  1. Discharged a firearm in DC and the only repercussion is resignation? Oh, I had a momentary lapse of reason … forgot about “Black Privilege.”

    Wonder where she’ll land?
    Some 6-figure job with a Soros outfit?

  2. Black lives matter my ass. Since Trevon Martin was shot until May 14, 2015, 11,106 blacks have been killed by blacks and 70% of the aborted babies in this country are black.
    Just like the Muslims, as long as they are killing each other I really don’t care. Can’t see it from my house.

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