What Happened (on those stairs) The New Book By Hillary – IOTW Report

What Happened (on those stairs) The New Book By Hillary

48 Comments on What Happened (on those stairs) The New Book By Hillary

  1. “Stairs aren’t a level playing field. Wymyn, nigrahs, people of color, musselmen, and the trans-gendered are disadvantaged.”


    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Indian Stair Managers in league with Macedonian Content Farmers colluding with Russians in continuous contact with Donald Trump’s sons operating out of Trump Tower overwhelmed my triumphant WTF Happened Tour. It’s SO deplorable.

  3. I think the women that designed the stairs asked their husbands how to do that.

    Comey opened an investigation about these stairs and then closed it and then opened again and closed it.

  4. It was a Russian CGI collusion video. I was never on any stairs, I was just being helped off a bar stool by a couple of guys who had introduced me to Bhang lassi. I woke up sore as hell in a park two days later, missing my shoes and pantaloons.

  5. All of you dumbass Dems wishing she’d go away, need to realize that every dollar you give to her PAC, Onward Together, funds these self-pity junkets. Unless your goal is to have her die in a fall. Then, I stand corrected. And I suggest a trip to Mexico. Most of the pyramids are roped offnow, but I hear you can still climb Nohoch Mul, the highest pyramid in Yucatan.

  6. I can think of no example more indicative of white/male oppression than the invention of stairs. Just look at the facts:
    Stairs are not a shape found in nature, therefor they are an expression of male dominance over the female Goddess energy of Mother Earth.
    Most designers of public spaces are men, and they use their white privilege to assume stride length, and stair height without giving consideration of the female diversity of leg length and strength values.
    The White/Male/Sexist/Racist Hegemony use stairs as a dog whistle for their racist activity by making stairs demonstrably more difficult to descend than ascend, unless there is difficulty going up. Then the inverse is true.
    The male dominated industry of city planning use their Male/White privilege to enforce Male/Sexist Hegemony by instituting arbitrary levels of publicly accessible spaces, and restricting access for women and women of color to male designed spaces unless they travel on racist/sexist stairs.
    This is reminiscent of the Holocaust in so many ways

  7. Trump and the Russians in collusion with ancient builders of those stairs did it. The steps were designed that way to trip her intentionally.

    BTW, I hear she fell in the bathtub in India and broke her wrist

  8. Constant falls and fractures. Injuries of a textbook pattern you see with ageing alcoholics.

    She probably hasn’t been sober for 48 hours since Billy Jeff became Governor of Arkansas.

    Withdrawal in a Federal cell might just be fatal.


    Has PDT just been wisely waiting for her disappointed supporters to drift away and move on before launching the indictments?

  9. Dodging the sniper fire from the vast right wing conspiratorial bimbos, who were told by their bosses, husbands and sons to get me. I was peacefully on my way to invest in holy cow futures with the left over cash from the clinton global initiative Haiti rescue operation.

  10. Chelsea: “Dad, mom was on some stairs in India, and she wiped out!”

    Slick: “She wiped out? Like with a cloth or something? Heheh, don’t tell her I said that. Seriously.”

  11. “Tired after a long day of tripping and falling, I set my lawn chair with the drink holders in back, down in the middle of the staircase, climbed on and wrapped myself with a blanket to relax and to think, while Robby Mook poured drinks.”

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