While Joe steals Trump’s policies, Kamala steals his moves – IOTW Report

While Joe steals Trump’s policies, Kamala steals his moves

Patriot Retort: Over the last week, President Trump has been wowing his massive rally crowds by joining in and dancing to the Village People. Naturally, his moves have gone viral on social media.

Now, to be fair, Trump ain’t a dancer, that’s for sure. To tell you the truth, his moves are about as good as mine. And I can’t dance.

Like at all. I look like a junior high school boy — my arms at my sides, bent at the elbow, swaying clumsily to the music. I really stink.

But it’s the spontaneity of Trump’s dancing that I find charming.

His moves, good or bad, are a response to the moment. You’ve seen his rallies. You know how it is. The energy is electric. If I was there, as awful as I am at dancing, I’d be busting a move too.

And since Team Biden steals everything from Trump, I guess it shouldn’t come as a galloping shock that Kamala Harris decided to steal his moves.

The difference of course is Kamala wasn’t standing in front of a vast sea of energized, dancing people.

Stealing Trump’s “dance with the crowd” spontaneity when you’re standing in front of no crowd is so on the nose for a phony like Kamala Harris.

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