WH: Obama won’t endorse Clinton until after Thursday meeting with Sanders – IOTW Report

WH: Obama won’t endorse Clinton until after Thursday meeting with Sanders

Oh, to be a fly on his nose that wall. What do you suppose Obama will tell him?

WASHINGTON, June 8 (UPI) — President Barack Obama won’t formally endorse Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to succeed him in the Oval Office until after he meets with Bernie Sanders on Thursday, the White House said.

Sources said earlier this week that Obama was eager to begin stumping for Clinton on the campaign trail, but Wednesday White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the president’s support won’t be made official until he can sit down with the former secretary of state’s only remaining rival for the nomination.   MORE


7 Comments on WH: Obama won’t endorse Clinton until after Thursday meeting with Sanders

  1. must be barky’s making a deal with burnie to vacate the race if the beast’s indicted so barky can put biden and fauxcohontas in her place. if he isn’t willing to get out barky can’t indict the beast.

  2. @Bill

    I hope so! They probably have internal polls that show Hillary losing badly.

    I don’t think BHO wants to turn the party apparatus over to the Clintons. He probably figures if the Clintons can get away without being indicted all these years, he’s can probably do the same because he’s black.

  3. A this point an endorsement from Barry doesn’t really mean anything. I’m still hoping for Bernie to announce at the Dem convention that he’ll be a third party candidate then watch Hillary have a stroke on live TV.

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