Will The Last Nutmegger Please Turn Off the Lights? – IOTW Report

Will The Last Nutmegger Please Turn Off the Lights?

With a shrinking population, fleeing employers and a deficit running around $175 million with nearly another $23 million added last year, Connecticut is on the path to eventual depopulation. The net migrationĀ is affecting the entire Northeast, with young workers seeking out greener pastures.



40 Comments on Will The Last Nutmegger Please Turn Off the Lights?

  1. As a native (can I say that?) of Connecticut I can’t disagree with much the author of this piece has to say. That said, Mrs Galt and I live well within our means and will probably stick it out here to the end as our friends and family are here.
    There is hope although Governor Malloy has done his best to tie the hands of the next Governor be he/she be Republican or Democrat with sweetheart deals for the state union members that can’t be changed until 2027. The Senate is tied 18 to 18 and the House will most likely go Republican this November.

    Here’s an article by Don Pesci that has some of us here hopeful that the long Democrat nightmare of control of both houses will end. His site is Red Notes From a Blue State.


  2. Dan Ryan Galt

    I just googled it and it looks like Colt is currently moving most of it’s production to Texas. I know Ruger went to Prescott AZ in a big way. Prescott’s on our short list.

  3. Well, I guess if we HAVE to move I could shoot out the lights with my Colt Match AR-15 as we leave while Mrs Galt drives the last load of about thirty to some place with like minded folks. (I got a LOT of STUFF!)

  4. More room for Somalis! And fireworks are already illegal in Connecticut, so less chance of them being startled. And with Ruger gone, there’s less chance of them having a gun if they do get startled. Unless Malloy hires them to flesh out–well, maybe “skin and bones” out–the State Patrol.

    I know the article didn’t mention Somalis, but you know they’re coming.

  5. Yeah Brad, our two brain dead Senators, Murphy and Sue-them-all, will be orgasmic when the last of the bad gun makers are gone. Maybe we could then house the dreamers and the illegals in the abandoned factories.

  6. Dan Ryan Galt

    Well don’t feel like the Lone Ranger dude. I live in Cali and have been watching my customer base march out of here until there’s not much left. You’d think after a while the light would go on with some people. Maybe not.

  7. I feel for ya Odin. We both live in beautiful states that have been ruined by years of failed Democrat policies. Even Aetna after being given a huge tax incentive by Mumbles Malloy beat feet to your state.

  8. @Dan Ryan Galt

    I, too am a native, though I’ve been in CO for 25 years, now. I’ve been meaning to ask someone, is Gov. Malloy related to the department store in any way?

    I’m from Clinton, btw. Just the son of a fisherman – nobody special.

  9. Any state that elects a senator caught in the worst kind of lie, pretending to be a Vietnam combat veteran, is a state that deserves its fate.
    My current health insurer, Aetna, is based there and are the definition of SUCK.
    Connecticut needs to lose both, their star and their stripe from the American flag. I despise that state.

  10. I was struggling with a virus and cleared internet history.
    Erased myself to boot.

    And is there a more homely, ok, butt ugly than CT-3 Congress critter Rosa DiLauro?
    Hideously ugly.

  11. Thanks for the link Brad.

    Glad to see Raytheon and Huntington Ingalls in the mix. I own those stocks. Bought HLL right after Trump was elected. Raytheon a bit before.

    Outstanding performers. Should have thrown my entire savings on RTN.

  12. The North Eastern migration to North Carolina has been happening for quite sometime. Gentrification and progressive takeover of small cities is a big thing in North Carolina, actualized by tranplants from the North. They’re politics, you guessed it – liberal/leftist. This is how Roy Cooper became governor of NC.
    As far as Illinois goes, recently talked to a airline ticket agent who said how lucky people are who live in North Carolina and said he and his wife are moving there next month. This is from a guy residing in a fairly economically stable part of Illinois.

  13. @99th

    Carpetbagger commies are destroying the south.
    Not sure if itā€™s a strategy or simply their need to move from their failed states for opportunity.
    But there is no recognition of cause and effect. Itā€™s northeastern trickle down stupidity.

  14. @Bad Brad. How can you go wrong investing in consumables like missiles? Thereā€™s always somebody begging to be whacked. Huntington Ingalls is Newport News shipbuilding.

    Raytheon is up 77%. HLL up 27%.

    Killing bad guys and making a profit?

  15. PHenry

    I’ve been out of that game for a while. But just before we left Raytheon and Lockheed were in negotiations to structure a lease program on some missiles. A lot of those missiles have a shelf life, and most missiles don’t get used, so the theory was lease the ordinance, when the shelf life is up, send it back to the manufacture for a rebuild at the governments cost. I have no idea if that went any farther, but interesting concept.

  16. PHenry

    They are not cheap, but they’ve already been paid for and yes that is an ordinance that has a shelf life. This is akin to the the accounting I see by libs on a military exercise or a skirmish. “That cost tax payer a BAZILLION DOLLARS”.

    Hold on. Everyone involved was already on the payroll. And their meals are already paid for. So we’re left with airfare and temporary housing. WTF? I’ve never seen one of those damn numbers make any kind of freaken sense.
    Maybe I’m not that smart.

  17. PHenry

    Just a little of my experience with our awesome military tech guys. We were big in prototype. We didn’t need any prints to build their stuff, just their Pro E models. Paperless. Art to part. Fun fun. We were even mentioned in their news letters a couple times. One of the best times of my business career because the stuff we were involved in was all top super MoFo secret and these damn passionate engineers just couldn’t help telling you what they were up too. It was the company joke. But I’ll tell you this, I’ve never run into a bunch of more talented young people. I had to pick one of them up at Sac International at 2;00 am in the morning because HE WAS TO YOUNG TO RENT A CAR. I was constantly impressed.
    Sometime I’ll tell you about the group effort it took to keep NLOS wing mounts from snapping off during launch.

  18. Went all through school there. It was a nice place to grow up. I left there in 72. Can’t imagine what it’s like now. A shame what the leftist brain is capable of.

  19. A deep blue, high-tax state run by Democrats. What do they expect to happen? Think Michigan, Maryland, Illinois, Cal. All going the wrong direction, and they will be voting dem to the bitter end.

  20. surrounding states should have put a wall up.

    now those liberal nut jobs are running around lose in the rest of the country.

    if you destroy your state by voting in liberal tax and spend policies you should have to stay there.

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