Wisconsin “Meat Hook Killer” Paroled, Living in Unregistered Daycare – IOTW Report

Wisconsin “Meat Hook Killer” Paroled, Living in Unregistered Daycare

Wisconsin Right Now

Tony Evers’ Department of Corrections has suddenly moved the infamous “meat hook killer,” Terrance Shaw, into a La Crosse hotel after confirming Wisconsin Right Now’s exclusive report that the Evers’ controlled state agency allowed the paroled strangler and rapist to live for months in a home that was functioning as an unregistered daycare. More

There has been an ongoing battle with the honest media against Evers to release information on the rapist and murders his Parole Commission has been releasing. Here

3 Comments on Wisconsin “Meat Hook Killer” Paroled, Living in Unregistered Daycare

  1. Tony “Punch Me In The Face” Evers is one of the worst liberals in America. I say one of the worst because there are liberals even worse than that SOB, like fag-suck-mouth Adam Schiff.


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