Woman Gave Boyfriend Drano to Induce ‘Eternal Sleep’ — Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no – IOTW Report

Woman Gave Boyfriend Drano to Induce ‘Eternal Sleep’ — Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no

Dave Grohl and Alice Cooper had a son and it decided it was a woman and the left decided it was better to ignore science than hurt deranged people’s feelings and here we are.

I originally saw the story on WAPO and there was not one comment questioning the claim that this homely man is a woman. How woke stupid they are.

The Newser commenters can talk about nothing else, as sane people should/would.

Women take pride in the fact that their crime rates are lower than males. but, they’ll be climbing now that men are committing crimes while claiming to be women.

Hey, maybe we can lower the black crime rate if we simply allow blacks to say they are white when being booked? Science Shmience. We have social engineering to perform.


Woman Gave Boyfriend Drano to Induce ‘Eternal Sleep’

Utah police say a woman tricked her boyfriend into drinking Drano in the hope it would kill him—and then, oddly, she took him to a hospital. Elle Weissman, 43, was arrested in Salt Lake City on Tuesday on charges of attempted murder and surreptitious administration of a certain substance, ABC News reports. According to a jail booking report, Weissman gave her 50-year-old live-in boyfriend “a spoonful of Drano” when he was “partially asleep” and believed it was medicine. Weissman said she hoped “he would go into eternal sleep,” per the report. “Elle stated that by eternal sleep she meant death.”


Most people, after seeing the mugshot, think the guy voluntarily drank the Drano.



23 Comments on Woman Gave Boyfriend Drano to Induce ‘Eternal Sleep’ — Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no

  1. I can never forget that Dirty Harry movie, “Magnum Force” where a pimp snuffs out his worker-girl with draino in the back seat of his car. Later the vigilante cops off the pimp at a traffic stop. Much later, Clint Eastwood is caught in the middle, having to kill off all the bad cops, one by one in that great Dirty Harry movie.

  2. WAIT A FOOKIN’ MINUTE! Are you telling me that the thumbnail image associated with this article is a woman named elle??? Everybody’s going to hell….. WTF!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. He has a relative who went from Melissa to Mel. She lets you know on her FB page she votes to stop hate and for DACA.

    See liberalism is a disease that progresses.

  4. We’ve “mainstreamed” insanity.

    Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming
    Free “Education”
    Revisionist “History”
    “Equality before the Law” with “Equality of Results”
    All Cultures are Equal
    izlam is the “Religion of Peace”
    Mental Illness is an Opinion
    Facts don’t matter
    Reality is Subjective
    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. transgenders should be pitied, the axhats that indoctrinate the young into that lifestyle should be literally hot-tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a rail.

  6. Lady Astor: “SIr Winston, if you were my husband, I would certainly poison your tea!”
    Winston Churchill: “Madam, if you were my wife, I would certainly drink it.”


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