Woman Has Struggled to Prove She’s Not Dead for 16 Years – IOTW Report

Woman Has Struggled to Prove She’s Not Dead for 16 Years

A grave error.


A Missouri woman mistakenly added to the Social Security Administration’s master death list in 2007 has been trying to prove she’s very much alive for the past 16 years. Per NBC News, Madeline-Michelle Carthen, now 52, first found out about the accounting error when she was a business technology student applying for financial aid to attend an intern exchange program in Ghana.

Being declared dead has cost Carthen jobs after HR couldn’t add her to payroll, vehicles that were repossessed, and housing. She now lives with her sister. “It messed up my whole life,” Carthen said. “It’s impacted my life financially. If I wanted to buy a house, that won’t happen.” KSDK has covered her case over the years and is working with her to find a solution. According to the outlet, over 12,000 people are mistakenly declared dead every year, and obtaining one’s credit report is the first step to correcting it


21 Comments on Woman Has Struggled to Prove She’s Not Dead for 16 Years

  1. fuck that, declare me dead. no more taxes, no more bullshit. effectively operate freely. cant jail a ghost, imagine trying to issue a warrant for Casper. so what, can’t buy a house, plenty of work arounds. cash economy, no debt since the cards are written off. glorious. of course it’s a new lifestyle, but we are adaptive creatures.

  2. Fortunately she’s still been able to vote Democrat all along. And just imagine the size of the check she will receive when they finally get their act together. Of course they will probably penalize the hell out of her over the amount.

  3. IVAN KONNOV Friday, 29 September 2023, 16:04 at 4:04 pm

    Once the Government fucks you, you stay fucked for a long long time!

    I expect a certain past President to understand that now. Instead of getting rid of the Deep State like he said he would, the Deep State is getting rid of him! They will tell him it isn’t personal.

  4. The VA said that I was dead when I first applied for the GI Bill in the Fall of 1975 to go to college. Somehow the VA records in St. Louis had declared me dead after I got out of the Navy in Aug. 1975. I had to go thru a lot of rigamarole and dance thru a lot of hoops to prove I was still alive. It took me 4 or 5 months to get it all straightened out and prove to the VA that I was still alive when I got my first GI Bill check in Feb./March 1976 to attend Eastern Wash. University in Cheney, Wash., I got a check for over $800 which was a whole lot of money in 1976. I still don’t know how they screwed up and said that I was dead, but that’s a bunch of dumbass bureaucrats for you who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. I also got a hospital bill once after I had been married for a guy with the same name as myself. My wife had to explain to them that they had the wrong Jeff and to check the social security number and sure enough it was the other Jeff. I also used to get calls from this guy’s girlfriend who called our phone number because we had a listed phone number at the time until my wife told her that she was calling the wrong number.

  5. Years ago I went to get my driver’s license renewed. The African American lady said she couldn’t renew it. I asked why and she looked for a long time. She finally said, “I see now, you be dead”. I told her unless something had happened I didn’t know about they must have made a mistake. Second thing I asked was, does that mean I don’t have to pay any more taxes? She actually had to call a supervisor and verify that I was standing in front of her. Government at it finest.

  6. Anounamis FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 19:15 AT 7:15 PM
    “It might be good to be dead to the government, IRS knocks on your door “I’m dead”.”

    Armed IRS agent; “You sure are!”
    ((pulls trigger))

  7. I have access to that list as part of my job, and I have to write code to exclude people on it that are over 115 years old. Most have been dead for decades but some scumbags are collecting SS checks from them. Of course, those never get fixed either. The government is utterly incompetent.

  8. There’s one fool-proof way to check if you’re dead or not.

    Does your voting record say you vote Dem?

    If yes, then yeah, you’re dead for all intents and purposes.

    Good luck on getting off the Dem plantation cemetery.


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