Yeb Demanded an Apology From Trump For Saying Yeb’s Views on Immigration Are Because of His Mexican Wife – IOTW Report

Yeb Demanded an Apology From Trump For Saying Yeb’s Views on Immigration Are Because of His Mexican Wife

Trump refused to apologize. He said he said nothing wrong.

One look at Yeb’s own book and a fact checker would have to give this round to Trump.

Yeb looks like a bit of an idiot, no?Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 1.02.37 AMScreen Shot 2015-09-18 at 1.02.40 AM

17 Comments on Yeb Demanded an Apology From Trump For Saying Yeb’s Views on Immigration Are Because of His Mexican Wife

  1. Like many parents had to talk to their children about “cigars” during the Clinton administration, I hope parents are prepared to explain to their children, especially their young daughters, why the first lady of the United States posed nude for playboy (and the images are still over the internet) and why that’s first lady material.

    GOPe hasn’t hit Trump with that one yet, but they will.

    But then again, the Miss America pageant just apologized to Vanessa Williams for her nasty photo spread citing that she really does represent American values, so maybe it’s all good.

  2. Most people will remember that Jeb! demanded an apology for his foreign born wife and not understand the underlying context. They will believe the Jeb! is in the right and Trump insulted his wife.

    Unless of course they are better informed by regularly reading blogs as good as this one.

  3. If Jeb really wants to experience immigration, take your shit and jump the border into Mexico. See what kinda warm reception you get from the federallies…..Jeb just needs to be a good wife, stay home, bake cookies, join an anti gun group, and campaign for Hitlery.

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