Yes, SCOTUS, it was personal – IOTW Report

Yes, SCOTUS, it was personal

By Leann Horrocks

American Thinker:

The decision by SCOTUS not to take the Texas case was not just an abrogation of one of their few duties, it was a betrayal. Americans have been betrayed by an institution we believed in.

The justices, as all judges do, probably want to say, “It isn’t personal.”  They couldn’t be more wrong.  

Judge Neil Gorsuch didn’t have a hard time, but the other two Trump appointees sure did.  We saw that and we fought for them. Many ordinary Americans demonstrated in the streets at their own physical peril; others lost their jobs supporting Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  These patriots didn’t take the easy way out — they went out there for these people personally.  

Justice Barrett’s confirmation was a great source of hope for conservatives — it meant the last institution standing  had a chance.  A chance of standing between ordinary Americans and the globalist barbarians at our gates.

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h/t No longer confused at all.

12 Comments on Yes, SCOTUS, it was personal

  1. Yes, it is personal. You want to saddle me with at least four years, and probably life because you don’t want to see the fraud?
    I have given up on Roberts. At first, I thought he was going to be a good Chief Justice, but he has proven to be a twink, at best and a leftist, at worst. The others (Barrett and Gorsuch) were hopeful lights in the fall of our country.
    I fail to see how they can justify accepting this fraud of an election without at least hearing the merits.

  2. TRAITORS! And COWARDS! Pure and simple. I felt so sad for President Trump, especially when he was betrayed by that Amy Barrett. This will go down in their history forever to be remembered by we patriots.

  3. The Legislative and now Judicial Branches of our government are FAILURES. They have failed their Oaths. They are worthless trash.

    Has the Senate passed a budget in 12 years? Have Committees produced ANY worthy work in both Houses?

    And if the SCOTUS won’t defend the Constitution in the gravest issue of the validity of the Chief Executive’s election (they already punted on Barky’s identity years ago),
    then the justices should all be impeached.

    ANd blackmail should be the least fear that keeps Roberts up at night.

  4. By opening the Borders and paying those who flood in, the Country is worse than a land mass awaiting takeover by the sub human…it is the murder of the greatest creation in history by Noble man…Evil is everywhere, Civil War now or enslavement soon. I repeat, not everyone evolved into civilized nobility, many are Animals with an high IQ and therefore Nihilistic and seek only Power. Democrats know this, realize their shortcomings and create groups to hide in , seek Power for protection and are always the source for mass killings. Merry Christmas ! Write it now, say it now while you can without derision.

    This is what 2A if for!!! Tyranny… the arbitrary application of law.
    Get your minds right, gawdammit.
    If we let this stand, none of us should ever celebrate teh 4th of July…
    Or Veteran’s Day…
    Or Memorial Day…

  6. If the Supreme Court fails to accept the voter fraud cases, there are remedies by our Founders and incorporated in the US Constitution that can be used by the US President, says Lt. Gen. McInterney (Rit):

    Lt Gen McInerney: Declare martial law, invoke Insurrection Act, use military tribunals, and suspend Habeas Corpus

    Interview VIDEO:

  7. I found this interesting…
    Not sure how true or false it is… But, if true, we’re being sold out because our Supreme Justices are afraid of the anti-America democrat mobs! If that’s the case, it’s looking more and more like We the People are no longer ‘represented’ by our fraudulent ‘betters’ in DC… Keep your powder dry.

  8. I said our liberal GWB picked the most far left judge he could find 15 years ago. Roberts has made me seem a prophet!
    No just able to think for myself and research independently.

  9. Whatever you do, don’t show Brad this article, because he will hurl insults at you and include Ms. Horrocks also. Boney Carrot FUCKED US ALL, ain’t that right “Bad Brad”?


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