Zuckerberg’s Meta Lays off Another 11,000 – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg’s Meta Lays off Another 11,000

New York Times

Meta said it was laying off more than 11,000, or about 13 percent of its work force, in what amounted to the company’s most significant job cuts. The layoffs were made across departments, though some areas, like recruiting, were affected more than others. More

13 Comments on Zuckerberg’s Meta Lays off Another 11,000

  1. “The layoffs were made across departments, though some areas, like recruiting, were affected more than others.”

    Yeah, if you just laid off 10,000, and expect to lay off more, recruiting probably isn’t your priority.

  2. Before I left Fascistbook for good, those assholes gave me a 30 day suspension the first week of December for 3 years in a row over nothing. They had an algorithm to socially isolate over the Holiday season those who had “incorrect” politics. Fuck Fascistbook now and forever. Those fucking assholes.

  3. The NSA, FBI, CIA and Homeland Security programmers and propagandists were reduced to nearly 250 remaining on Meta’s payroll.

    Not to worry, those fired 600 will return to their respective agency and return to their government paycheck provided by taxpayers.


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