Ann of a Thousand Memes – IOTW Report

Ann of a Thousand Memes

I was catching up with Ann Barnhardt this morning, seeing how she was doing after her server bounced her for being too truthful, and she said to say “hi to all the kids.” (Kids is a very affectionate name, be rest assured.)

She also asked if I would do a picture of Pennywise in a Roman collar.

I don’t ask questions. When Ann asks I submit! (I’m baptized Catholic. I had a little Catholic guilt surfacing as I did this image. But I happen to think that this papacy is a Marxist joke, so my guilt has subsided.)

Her memes are up on her front page right now. I will put the blank templates here in case “you kids” want to play. You can send what you create to me and I will forward to Ann.

Put MEMES in the subject line.

20 Comments on Ann of a Thousand Memes

  1. I would catch on fire and spew pea soup crawling on the ceiling as she beat me with a ruler while screaming in Latin.

    I flagellated and wore a hair shirt before posting this.

  2. Hello Anne. I’m a disgusted Irish Catholic .. Same sex marriage approved, and now an openly gay Prime Minister. My siblings in Ireland call me a homophobe and a racist, and anything else that fits. What more can I say?

  3. I was just talking to a liberal lady that I’ve known for several years about Ann. I gave her, her first exposure to Ann Barnhardt a few years ago.and she was intrigued and scared. Scared because she recognized the thruth for what it was. She is still liberal, intrigued and scared. I’m doing what I can. Stay safe Ann Barnhardt!

  4. Please make the following meme for Bergoglio:

    Across the top:
    You have heard it said, “Go into all the world and make disciples”.

    Across the bottom:
    But I say to you, “Proselytism is solelm nonsense.”

  5. Here’s one that fits the meme quite nicely as an evil sound bite…

    ’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!’

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