“Glory” Colonel’s Sword Found – IOTW Report

“Glory” Colonel’s Sword Found


The sword carried by Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Voluntary Infantry, which was lost at Battery Wagner in 1863,  has been located and donated to the Massachusetts Historic Society.

The 54th MA was the first black regiment in the union commanded by all white officers.  The weapon was believed used during the war by the confederates and was returned to the Shaw family two years after the fatal assault on Battery Wagner.


13 Comments on “Glory” Colonel’s Sword Found

  1. Wonderful piece of history to have been recovered. Hope it will be placed on display somewhere that lots of people can see it and recognize the bravery it took to wear and exercise the authority of.

  2. Incredible find, especially for history buffs.

    For the many who now are clearly ignorant of history and have never stepped foot on the hallowed ground of a battlefield, it means nothing. But, the same people will demand the removal of monuments and flags that represent the bravery and battle smarts of the Confederacy.

  3. The racist Union troops marched the Indians on the trail of tears after they defeated the South. So this sword should be destroyed as a symbol of racisty racism (sarcasm)

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