Howard Dean Doubles Down – Says Trump has a coke problem- – IOTW Report

Howard Dean Doubles Down – Says Trump has a coke problem-

Howard Dean REFUSES to back down on cocaine claim about Trump and says Republican should be asked whether he is a drug abuser

  • Donald Trump raised concerns about the electronic equipment immediately after the first presidential debate
  • He blamed the mic for making it sound like he had ‘sniffles’ and denied having a cold or allergies 
  • Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a trained physician, suggested he has a coke problem
  • Dean doubled down on Tuesday; said Trump displays characteristics of a cocaine user and drug abuse could explain his ‘unstable’ behavior

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38 Comments on Howard Dean Doubles Down – Says Trump has a coke problem-

  1. Just as soon as they ask obama who admits in his books to being a coke-head as well as other hard drugs and shows every sign that he never stopped using. And if the current president is a coke-head then what does it matter if the next president is one as well? And BTW bill and hillary also both coke-heads and according the “news” media so is gw bush. So what difference at this point does it make?

  2. Hillary blew through her whole stack of smears in the first debate. Dean is just trying to restock the shelves for the next one. What a helpful ittle imp he is.

    That’ll put you back at the top of the list for Surgeon General, Howie. Even above Dr. Chelsea.

  3. Of the 100 million Americans that watched the debate I would bet maybe 20 million have used coke. (I have routinely been around junkies for a long time) Just ask a coke head if Trump was on coke and they will laugh. They know what a coke head looks and acts like and that wasnt it. This is good though, a good sign, they are in trouble and they know it. Desperation… This is another vile, evil, Hitlery style “birther” claim. Just like she used a surrogate to start the birther movement, she is doing it again with Dean. Time to hit back.

  4. Please sir, may we have more clowns, the fire is going out! Thank you, step right up, see the raging dumpster fire of awe, claim your safe space, there’s no need to push, there’s room for everybody.

  5. They rigged the sound the lighting and the questions from the so-called moderator that Hillary had all the questions in advance. Cheating is what they do and who they are. The ends always justify the means in their tiny heads.

  6. Jeeze. Is everyone else here looking forward to the day when all these cartoon pols are specs in the rear view mirror of history? I’m embarrassed for our country by the likes of Howard Dean.

    Yes, Trump has a Coke problem. Diet Coke. He once tweeted: “I have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke.”

  7. How low this country has fallen. That shit head Dean actually at one time ran for the Presidency! That, in a nutshell, is how bad off this country is. Now to compound our own self-inflicted misery we have old hag Hillary

  8. Rush addressed this yesterday and speculated that what came across as sniffing was just Trump breathing. He said that the sound engineers (NBC?) could have adjusted what he called “compression” so that Trump’s microphone picked up and amplified the sound of his breathing. He also said that the height of Trump’s microphone forced him to hunch over a little. Leftists are so predictable. When will we demand fairness in the debates?

  9. Dean is acting on orders from the Clinton campaign in the hopes of getting some appointment if she wins. Trump should sue him for slander and ask the judge for a gag order on him until after the election. It may look bad but unless he’s stopped this bullshit lie he’s peddling will hang around the campaign like a bad smell with the MSM dragging it up everytime the evil queen needs it.

  10. Blaming microphones for his sniffling noises just makes Trump look weak and evasive, kinda like Hillary does when she comes up with her various health excuses. He should just say, “Who doesn’t get the sniffles on occasion? Next question.”, or “Hey – that’s just how I breathe. Deal with it.”

    Stay on offense, Donald. Defense won’t win this war.

  11. If I may address the court.
    We are supposed to take comments, serious comments, from a man who once said,
    “Yeaaaaaauuwwwwwwwrgh!!!!!!” and not assume he is playing fast and loose with his prescription tablet?

    [starts video]

    No further statements, your honor.

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