Is Trump Looking To End the Federal Reserve? – IOTW Report

Is Trump Looking To End the Federal Reserve?

Trump is meeting with an ex-bank CEO who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard

The Business Insider reports:

As President-elect’s Donald Trump’s transition rolls on, more and more attention is being paid to possible selections for a variety of high-ranking positions and meetings that might help decide these appointments.

On Monday, Trump will meet with John Allison, the former CEO of the bank BB&T and of the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute.

There have been reports that Allison is being considered for Treasury secretary.

Trump’s has on the campaign trail questioned the future of the Federal Reserve’s political independence, but Allison takes that rhetoric a step further. While running the the Cato Institute, Allison wrote a paper in support of abolishing the Fed.

“I would get rid of the Federal Reserve because the volatility in the economy is primarily caused by the Fed,” Allison wrote in 2014 for the Cato Journal, a publication of the institute.

21 Comments on Is Trump Looking To End the Federal Reserve?

  1. There’s credible evidence that JFK tried to rein in the influence of the Federal Reserve….and that’s what got
    him cacked. There are few groups as powerful on this planet
    as the Federal Reserve and the bankers and industrialists
    who control the Fed. Trump had better keep his head down.
    These people would have no qualms about killing him…and if necessary an entire building full of people in the process….to maintain their stranglehold on power. And make no mistake about it. The Fed controls the dollar, the dollar is the benchmark currency. Control of this means you are among the most wealthy and powerful people in all of history. Ample motive for murder and assassination.

  2. That would be the game changer of all time. This takes us back to sanity. No more fairy dust money, wow!

    JFK was accidentally fatally shot in the head by a SS agent in a trail car after Oswald had hit him in the neck. Now was Oswald put up to it by people wanting to keep the Fed? Beats me, but he didn’t kill JFK although he was certainly trying.

  3. As a former Fed employee for 15 years, that would be an excellent idea. Never worked anywhere with more self-absorbed, overpaid leeches, totally convinced the world would stop spinning without them. Laissez-faire capitalism is what built this country and the Fed has choked it nearly out of existence.

  4. Fresh Hope. Real Change. This would restore the powers of the Treasury and the Congress to those enumerated by the Constitution. The last eight years have exposed the folly of allowing the Federal Reserve to maintain zero interest rates and inflate our currency without Congressional oversight. The value of the dollar has declined to seven cents since Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1973.

  5. Cool your jets … nothing’s gonna happen to the Fed.
    The whole fukkin world runs on funny-money, and Mr. Trump isn’t about to change that. He may tinker with it and get them to get off the zero-interest bullshit – but eliminate it? No fukkin way.

    That’s another feverish-wet-dream (of mine) that he’ll re-institute the Constitution!

    Total bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Tim: You are right on the money (N.P.I.). We are so hard-wired into the current system that any attempt to abolish it would have unseen and probably catastrophic consequences. We might get it tweaked a bit here and there, but any serious changes could bring the whole thing down like a house of cards. I don’t know about you, but I’d hate to wake up some morning and find that what few shekels I have left in my bank account had the same purchasing power as a few sheets of Charmin toilet paper, and very little of the utility.

    I’m too old to start over. The only thing left to do at that point would be to pull a Charlie Whitman and see how many of the bastids you could take with you. Of course, I would never personally do anything like that. Uh-unh. Nosirree. Naaah…


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