OJ Simpson Trial Juror Says Not Guilty Verdict was “Payback” for Rodney King – IOTW Report

OJ Simpson Trial Juror Says Not Guilty Verdict was “Payback” for Rodney King

Complex: A juror in the OJ Simpson murder trial admits the “not guilty” verdict was payback for Rodney King in ESPN‘s 30 for 30 documentary OJ: Made in America. The documentary is the latest medium to examine the OJ Simpson case after FX’s widely popular The People v. O.J. Simpson.

An excerpt from OJ: Made in America featuring the aforementioned juror aired on public radio show “Fresh Air” this week. The juror, Carrie Bess, was first asked if there were jurors that voted to acquit OJ Simpson because of Rodney King abd said, “Yes.” Bess then said she was one of the jurors who voted to acquit for that reason.

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SNIP: OJ is at Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada and he’s eligible for parole in late 2017.
He and Carrie shouldn’t hold their breath.

37 Comments on OJ Simpson Trial Juror Says Not Guilty Verdict was “Payback” for Rodney King

  1. What do you expect from people with IQs 1-2 standard deviations below that of whites and 2-3 standard deviations below that of asians.

    Isss payback bitches.

    Didn’t Rodney King collect millions in a lawsuit? Guess that doesn’t factor in when your IQ is in the upper 70s

  2. Tell us something we that we don’t know. There will be a special place for her. I hope Nichole and Ron are there waiting for her and torment her for all eternity.

  3. And now it is clear why all black led governments all over the world – including in the US – are backward, crime ridden, non-functioning, corrupt banana republics.

    The talented tenth cannot overcome the destructive tendencies of the 90%.

  4. Even though jurors swear to be unbiased, too many, in my experiences serving on a jury, lack what it takes to carry that out. Educated, uneducated, does not matter. People get caught up with their feelings and poor ability to use common sense.

  5. There’s a very ugly presidential adviser from the planet Monkeyphucked who is equally spiteful and could be this dingbat’s role model. They look like brothers.

  6. I have always maintained that the OJ verdict was a “sticking it to whitey” tactic. How else could a sentient being ignore the preponderance of evidence against OJ. Unfortunately you, madam have accomplished nothing but showing how truly small minded you are.

  7. I remember this trial and all the rioting and looting by white folk after the verdict was announced. O.J. only killed 2 white folk and white lives don’t matter.

  8. Be careful my fellow patriots. Shanaynay, didn’t get her mortgage or gas tank filled over the past 7 1/2 years (free iPhone though).

    The chimp outs are likely to accelerate.

  9. Liberal logic 101: I’m mad that a drug addict who ran from, assaulted, and disobeyed police officers got the sh*t beaten out of him, so I’m going to acquit a murderer who shares the same skin color. Yup, makes perfect sense.

  10. I watched the entire OJ documentary last night, and it was so gratifying to see OJ get his delayed sentence in Nevada. It was incredible to see how many of his white friends were in a state of denial over his obvious guilt, and how dishonest his lawyers were in defending this murdering rat. The prosecution’s biggest mistake was believing they could get an impartial jury out of South Central L.A. after the Rodney King beating. If you have the time, this is really worth watching. The jury was obviously dumber than a box of rocks, but the prosecution and the joke of a judge were almost dumber. This particular juror is exactly the kind of lower IQ denizen that will be voting for Obama’s third term. The ignorance of the American-Africans revealed in this series makes it worth watching to realize how hopeless it is to believe they will ever get off the Democrat Plantation. The Goldmans are to be admired for pursuing Simpson until he reverted to his thuggish self.

  11. “The talented tenth cannot overcome the destructive tendencies of the 90%.”

    “If, out of 100 people, 90 believe in something enough to vote for it, but 10 believe in something enough to KILL (emphasis added) for it, the 10 will rule the 100.”
    (V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin))

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. pbunyan, the fix was in.
    Once the DA agreed to move the trial to downtown LA, it was game over.
    They could have had video tape of OJ killing Ron and Nicole.
    Wouldn’t have mattered.
    This was an early version of black lives matter.

    Yes, the prosecution made mistakes but there was so much evidence to convict.
    It didn’t matter, he was gonna walk.

  13. Loco Blanco,

    My point was that they let the type of people on the jury such that 90% were willing to acquit just for “social justice” reasons.

    Also they spent what, like 3 or 4 months presenting their case (IIRC) when they had, as you correctly point out, “so much evidence”. The idiots on the jury probably couldn’t remember anything for more than a couple days they were so stupid. The prosecution should have presented their case in at most 2 or 3 days.

    And made sure least a few of the jurors were intelligent.

    And insisted on a venue that was not so biased.

    They f’ed up. They were incompetent plain and simple.

  14. I agree, but the dummies were walking on eggshells because of Rodney King.
    They had OJ dead to rights and they figured people would do the honest thing.
    They were too gun-shy to exclude too many POC.
    They were too dumb to understand black folk.

  15. She, and all the other losers, criminals, perverts, and mental defectives sure are having their day in the sun!
    You think it’s all because the Pied Piper of Crap, aka obola, the affirmative-action, never-hired-for-a-job, mixed race but using his color, jackass happens to be the “preezy’ ??

    And the Republicans made certain he got a second term, so they can continue looting behind the drapes.

    God bless us indeed.

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