I Agree, Bagpipes Are Tannoying
I had to look up Tannoy System. Turns out they are simply a brand of speakers. A local British government was having a problem with homeless people sleeping in a bus [Read More]
I had to look up Tannoy System. Turns out they are simply a brand of speakers. A local British government was having a problem with homeless people sleeping in a bus [Read More]
Newsbusters: When your most worshipful devotee in the liberal media thinks you’re acting in an unpresidential manner, you know you’ve gone too far. MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews was critical [Read More]
The prison policy is NO CONTRABAND. Wait, isn’t the sedative they give the guy before they kill him contraband?
The very, very scientific, 4 decades long study says that the happiest married couples have sex….
The Huffington Post is out with a new article, which chronicles the “11 blackest moments” of the Obama Presidency. The article is aptly titled, “The 11 Blackest Moments In The [Read More]
Saba is the go-between, the liaison, between Muslim operatives and bag-men republicans in the tank for Islam. That’s about the extent of Achmed’s republicanism. Watch the Jamie Glazov Gang. He has Achmed [Read More]
Kinda tells you everything you need to know about Muslims.
Something is up. How could Jeb not drop out? I haven’t spent a penny and, if the polling has a 3% margin of error, I’m statistically in a dead heat [Read More]
Don’t get me wrong, I love that he shut them out, but what is his pressing love affair with Syrians? If it wasn't evil when Obama paused that refugee program [Read More]
Transgenders are all the rage, dontcha know. STORY
This is harrowing footage from inside Paris cafe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP5qpAJ2JdU
An Arizona couple, both well into their 80’s, go to a Sex Therapist’s office. The doctor asks, ‘What can I do for you?’ The man says, ‘Will you watch us [Read More]
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