Just For You, Diogenes’ Most Excellent Democrat Debate Summary
Maison de Diogène 11:00 PM DMF: I knew it was going to be serious, Bernie combed his hair. But let me first say, I spent 3 hours trying to get [Read More]
Maison de Diogène 11:00 PM DMF: I knew it was going to be serious, Bernie combed his hair. But let me first say, I spent 3 hours trying to get [Read More]
67,516 tickets were sold 29,990 voters were identified (87% of whom were from Arizona) 26% didn’t vote in 2016 18% were Democrats more details at DanBongino.com
Huh. I missed this one. Bring popcorn.
Breitbart: During Monday’s broadcast of Sean Hannity’s nationally syndicated radio show, Senior Contributor to Breitbart News Peter Schweizer explained how 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) funneled what [Read More]
KFI: Check out this (disgusting) photo a listener sent to John this morning…
Newsweek They propose a nearly 400-mile-long Northern European Enclosure Dam (NEED), which would consist of two parts, disconnecting the North and Baltic seas from the Atlantic Ocean. The first section [Read More]
Fox News A 77-year-old man is being hailed for his bravery after video caught him going toe-to-toe with only his bare knuckles against an apparent knife-wielding mugger in the United [Read More]
Lately, it has become fashionable on the left to attend a Trump rally and write back to their curious brethren about the experience (see here, here and here). So, turnabout [Read More]
FOX8LIVE: By Lee Zurik and Cody Lillich NEW ORLEANS, La. (WVUE) – New Orleans City Hall officials are investigating whether employees signed off on inspections at the construction site of the Hard [Read More]
PJM: South Bend, Ind., is a grimy industrial city of 100,000 people located on the St. Joseph River. It’s known for being the “home” of Notre Dame University — which [Read More]
Breitbart: During NBC News’s 2020 Democrat debate on Wednesday, Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders sparred about the number of billionaires funding the former mayor’s presidential primary campaign. “My campaign is [Read More]
National Pulse: The Chief Investment Officer for Motley Fool Asset Management described presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s stranglehold over the financial industry as “the closest thing to a mafia power that [Read More]
PJM: He hasn’t won any delegates and probably won’t win many before Super Tuesday on March 3. But the Michael Bloomberg campaign is telling other Democratic candidates to drop out [Read More]
PJM: There may be a Democrat debate on television Wednesday night, but it looks like the exciting event the public is gearing up for is another Trump rally, this one [Read More]
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