“Field Hockey” Dude Playing Girl Sport Knocks the Teeth Out of Girl’s Face – IOTW Report

“Field Hockey” Dude Playing Girl Sport Knocks the Teeth Out of Girl’s Face

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Look at the way the fag hops in the air when he scores. This was 30 seconds after the game resumed after the girl he hit went to the hospital.

This dude needs his teeth knocked in.

31 Comments on “Field Hockey” Dude Playing Girl Sport Knocks the Teeth Out of Girl’s Face

  1. The girls need to unify and refuse to play under the so-called “Equal” Play act.
    It’s not equal and it’s not play!! These freaks from the Island of Busted-Ass Toys are out for blood!
    That goes for any group of girls playing ANY sport!

  2. Nobody wants to see Mike Tyson fight Floyd Mayweather. Whats the point of seeing a great heavyweight fight a great middleweight. That’s not sport, that’s not a fair contest and the results prove nothing. Exactly what does this freak think he’s proving?

  3. *** TILT – TILT – TILT ***

    Whutever happened to the Level Playing Field?????

    Ans: These freaks from U Know Where can’t compete with their peers without getting their balls busted to Kingdom Come so the Left has cheated for them!
    (Itz whut they do best!!)

  4. 80% of women vote Demonrat, until they accept responsibility for the bullshit we endure daily, nothing will change.

    They, as a gender need to stop this particular bullshit themselves.

    Then they need to wake the fuck up about everything else.

  5. General Malaise – I am formerly TRF.
    I have added “Formerly TRF” on a couple of posts.
    I changed because TRF kept getting put into the Spam folder for some reason. BFH would fish me out when requested, but rather than bother him all the time I change to Harry Eyeball since it seems to be reliable.

  6. I am left helpless…until the ‘powers-that-be’ put this shit back in proper order…there is little to nothing I can do about it.

    When we get slam-dunked by the ‘elites’ to turn in our guns because they have eliminated the second Amendment, I’ll be able to make my voice heard.

  7. This girl’s father needs to sue the pant off whoever was responsible for allowing males to play on female field hockey teams. And this kid needs to be charged with aggravated assault or worse for what he did to this girl. there is no excuse for this kind of unsportsman like conduct. Harry Eyeball, did Ed “Big Daddy” Roth ever create a harry eyeball creature like he did with Digger, Davy and Daddy back in the mid 60’s.

  8. geoff – I dunno if Big Eddy came up with the expression or not. All I know is that The Big Hairy Eyeball was a term I heared in the 60s to describe skepticism – something that should be associated with all the bullshit we are exposed to today!!!

  9. The hot rod pin striper Von Dutch, a contemporary of Big Daddy Ed Roth, came up with the “Hairy Eyeball” illustrations.

    The expression made it into Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant song.

    From the Group W Bench:

    “Kid, whad’ya get?” I said, “I didn’t get nothing, I had to pay
    $50 and pick up the garbage.” He said, “What were you arrested for, kid?”
    And I said, “Littering.” And they all moved away from me on the bench
    There, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I
    Said, “And creating a nuisance.”

  10. Male relatives of the victim need to find this POS waste of skin alone some evening and give them a lesson in pain. An old fashioned beat down sometimes is the only answer to some problems. If this walking freak show had done this to one of my daughters I guarantee he’d be needing dentures when I got done teaching the lesson.

  11. The girls should make a point of hockey-sticking his head into pulp.
    THEN refuse to “play” with biological males who pretend to be female, or any other mentally ill maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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