61 Percent In Minnesota Fully Vaccinated; State Leads Nation In COVID Infection Rate – IOTW Report

61 Percent In Minnesota Fully Vaccinated; State Leads Nation In COVID Infection Rate

According to USAfacts.org 66% of Minnesotans have had one COVID vaccine shot while 61% are considered fully vaccinated having had the booster as well. Official sources are saying that the land of 10,000 lakes is also the land with the highest infection rate for COVID. Here

The article linked blames the “unvaccinated” for the surge in COVID infections, but this piece from the week before cast doubt upon the assertion. Here

10 Comments on 61 Percent In Minnesota Fully Vaccinated; State Leads Nation In COVID Infection Rate

  1. Waterford Ireland, 99.7% vaccinated, highest in the country, and also the highest infected in the country and among the highest in all of Europe.

    They actually say in a video about it, “The vaccine was never intended to stop the virus from spreading.” I about spit my coffee out. NEVER intended? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. *white power hand signal*

  2. Given the term vaccination now means 14 days AFTER your 2nd shot the likelihood that far more people in the hospital are the vaccinated is more likely. Every time they start this jab shit Covid spikes up or the injuries disguised as Covid. And what is this jerk offs dream to have 100% even though he admits it isn’t 100% but then all the cases will be break through cases. Then can we finally admit this S*** doesn’t work?! No we’ll just need more boosters!

  3. Those darn facts November 16, 2021 at 9:30 pm
    Unvaccinated are 60% of hospitalizations and deaths..

    I saw this at a remote wilderness lodge in September: 20 out of 24 people got the kung flu. HALF OF THE 20 HAD TAKEN THE JAB.

    I am going to believe my own eyes. That’s a darn fact.


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