66 Year Old Sees Color For First Time – IOTW Report

66 Year Old Sees Color For First Time

“Born colorblind, William lived his whole life in black and white. For his 66th birthday, his family decided to pitch in together to buy Enchroma glasses that have color correcting lenses that help the colorblind see color. This video is his expression to opening his gift and witnessing color for the first time.”

Skip to 2:15 to begin watching.

24 Comments on 66 Year Old Sees Color For First Time

  1. @.45-70 I teared up, too. I have worn glasses since the third grade and am basically legally blind without them. This reminds me of how good God has been to me. Yes. I feel very humbled.

  2. I’ve never heard of these glasses and went looking at other videos. Still not interested…. but in every video….. they all ask the same question…. “what color is that?”

    We don’t know what color it is because we’re colorblind. You actually have to tell us what color is which….. we’ve never seen them before. LOL!

    Also…. there’s different kinds of colorblindness. How do you get the right glasses?

    Maybe I’m more interested than i say i am.

  3. @ Chiggerbug – I’ve had to wear glasses since 1st grade (horrible astigmatism). I’d give my left (fill in the blank) to be able to see clearly. I truly feel for this man.

  4. What got to me was his reaction. It seems like he wanted to scream and jump up and down for joy, but being a stoic man, it just came out in subtle ways. His first comment about trees made my eyes start leaking. God bless his family for doing this for him.

  5. Oh Claudia, what a find this is! My eyes were leaking too. There are a lot of bad things that happen out there, but there’s really beautiful acts of love too. Yes, bless his family indeed, and bless William for the joy his reaction brought into MY life.

  6. I remember getting glasses in 1st grade. I was so nearsighted, when the teacher asked me to read what was on the board I burst into tears…to me, there wasn’t anything there. They finally figured it out and I remember reading every traffic sign out loud on the way home with my new glasses. I had thought everyone saw like I did, which looked like a chappy impressionist painting.

  7. O.K. here’s the deal. This just seemed too good to be true. Aaaaaand it is. Sort of.

    See, if you’re totally colorblind, these glasses don’t work. They do work for the most common kinds of colorblindness. You get tested. So I don’t know why the people in the video are acting all surprised like they don’t know what’s going on.

    Next, the polarized clear glasses are for night driving. So I got those.

    Now for the actual review of the enchroma glasses.

    People get all emotional not because they’re spazzes, they get all weepy because its information overload. Yeah, it took my breath away for a second…. but then it just became too much to process. Too many subtle colors. Like…. all over the place. Literally.

    I’m still thinking about the experience so I can’t be a total smartass about it but I do have one major complaint and several minor ones.

    1. Pink. Hate it. Too many variations of it.
    2. Red. Like it…. also has waaay too many variations.
    3. Blue jeans aren’t actually blue.
    4. Redheads have orange hair.

    The rest I have to think about but I will say this, the glasses improve sharpness and contrast like a mofo.

    I didn’t get the glasses…. but I might. Just seems a little overkill to go around looking like roy orbison just to make sure I’m not wearing a pink tshirt.

    But they would be handy as hell if you go outdoors into nature and stuff.


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