Capture the Flag Just Got Real – IOTW Report

Capture the Flag Just Got Real

We’re directing you to the Bullpen Post for this story about Shia Lebeouf’s anti-Trump “art piece” getting hijacked AGAIN.

8 Comments on Capture the Flag Just Got Real

  1. Some really smart fellows punked him.
    Intelligence and ability beats ‘FEELINGS’ every time.
    Shia, you suck!
    Give up, you’re losing, hoser.
    No ‘partisipant’ trophy for you, sissy.

  2. Why do “moron” and “sissy” always occur together nowadays?

    I guess Spielberg long ago cancelled those plans to feature SLB in a sequel franchise as the son/successor to Indiana Jones.

  3. What would be really hilarious is if they made up all that stuff about constellations and contrails to conceal the fact that they have a mole in Shayla’s entourage.

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