This Beto O’Rourke Ad Will Make You Cringe So Hard It Will Count as Exercise – IOTW Report

This Beto O’Rourke Ad Will Make You Cringe So Hard It Will Count as Exercise

Holy smokes this is horrendous.

HT/ All Too Much

And the punk band O’Rourke was in, the one they reference in the video above, was equally horrendous.

I have an open mind, but… how can I say this? Does anyone remember the Plasmatics TV appearance on Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow show, the one where they blew up the Chevy Nova? Beto’s band sounds like the part where they blow up the Chevy Nova.


42 Comments on This Beto O’Rourke Ad Will Make You Cringe So Hard It Will Count as Exercise

  1. Mind bent now – Plasmatics saw them live in DC, early 80’s. Ran into a drummer I jammed with Mike Mantino. Only drummer I ever knew that played drums standing up! He was wearing a Donna Summer T-shirt with a giant diaper pin through her nose,,that’s when I knew Disco was dead. The NOVA was a no go at the concert.

  2. LOL! Austinfaggots are furiously Faceborging this while the rest of the State is getting ready for bed and work in the a.m.

    I made it 22 seconds. Real Texans think musicals are homo.

  3. Play it loudly at the border as an invasion deterrent!
    Play it in congress to rid it iof freeloading, lying representatives.
    Use it as shock therapy in Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, New York City, and other bastions of demoncratic insanity.

    I think I’ll play it while out of my home to deter burglary, rats, insects, and other vermin.

  4. A. spot on latino cultural representation.

    B. we need to encourage the dems to make more of these. Nothing helps our side more than 2 minutes and some change of steam powered, rocket fueled asshattery.

  5. I made it to 67 seconds… I’ll blame 20+ years of public education orchestrated desensitization in another state that shall not be named, and a functioning Y chromosome influenced by a pre-election nightcap…


  6. Uncle Al – I think it’s time to update to Beto projectile vomit and diarrhea. Got another one here going by the name of Jonny O. If you won’t use your real name to run on, enjoy the locker you’ve been stuffed in until Prom.

  7. Nothing will appeal to the feminist progressive movement as effectively as a 1950s musical number featuring insipid young women who couldn’t land a role in “Grease.”

  8. So.
    I saw the whole thing and uh… was this suppose to HELP him get votes or like, encourage everyone and their dog NEVER TO VOTE FOR BETO EVER because that was the ultimate cringe video.

    It was like a gross ultra liberal YouTuber made a video about her favorite politician and had her two twitty friends help out and they filmed it in their front yard in one take during a cloudy Saturday afternoon.

    …IT WAS BAD.

  9. I’m not sure what appalled me more–the throwback to the 50’s by a girl sporting tattoos, her replacing Beto’s wife in the family picture, her riding a pole in his truck, or her singing with a mouth full of hamburger. I half expected the dog at the end to pee on someone as it ran off camera.

    Just ew. I have to go bathe in Purell now.


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