A Cautionary Tale Of Venice Beach – IOTW Report

A Cautionary Tale Of Venice Beach

What do you get when you invite the rift-raft of the world yet pass local measures that raise the cost of construction to ten times the rest of the nation? You get the homeless trashing every street and empty space, the elites self-congratulating themselves on imposing their virtue on everyone,  and those who can afford to flee find a new place that is governed responsibly. More

9 Comments on A Cautionary Tale Of Venice Beach

  1. Funding and spending money to solve homelessness has never been the problem – actually making it apply to actual homelessness is.

    There’s a politician or a bureaucrat sucking the money up by the nano second while little johnny dirtliver stays on the street because he wants to.

  2. I have visited Venice Beach several times in the last five years. It is an incredible experience. Multimillion dollar bungalows with Mercedes Benzes and Porsches parked in driveways with four people living in converted school buses with five dogs and no toilets living on the street in front of the remodeled house. Lots of night soil everywhere. Crazy, addled druggies and beggars wandering about aimlessly. Upscale restaurants and shopping with smelly bums asking for your take home boxes and bumming handouts. I have seen California’s present, and it’s future can only get worse. It’s a real Demographic Shithole.

  3. I only care because this will inevitably spread to other states. Well, it already does. California should be banned from federal elections and funding until they fix their shit or collapse and we can send in the military.

  4. It sure doesn’t seem to bother the tax paying residents that keep electing more radical politicians like Gavin Newsom who immediately sued OC over affordable housing. The only people I know that haven’t left have lived there all their lives and can’t envision living elsewhere. I left and have never looked way back before they started the tent city insanity.

  5. Well, it’s kinda awkward to complain — using your own name — if you’ve virtue signaled your way into a corner, isn’t it? Anyone who does should be made to wear a dunce cap and a sign, “hypocrite.”

  6. Venice – smelly domicile of derelicts, druggies, scam artists, and over-the-hill beach bums. It’s a great place to stay away from.

    I nominate Venice for California’s third anus, after San Bernardino and Stockton.


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