A Truly Stupid Cartoon – IOTW Report

A Truly Stupid Cartoon

Vox believes this cartoon is the definitive counter to all who declare All Lives Matter.  In typical

non-sequitur fashion, it attempts to set up a straw man to bash with their twisted logic of equality.

Their understanding of basic fire-fighting is appalling.  Obviously you don’t bother trying to save the house that’s already engulfed in flames, you protect the others around it by making sure they don’t catch fire.  Jeez!

What Vox is really trying for, Here

11 Comments on A Truly Stupid Cartoon

  1. The guy in the cartoon is behaving correctly.
    The house on the right is fully engulfed. That house is a total loss.
    Using the resources to prevent the house on left from being lost as well is the correct response.

  2. Actually, I think that’s a fairly smart cartoon. . . even if the artist didn’t mean it that way (not sure if he/she did or not). Talk about “Unintended Consequences”.
    To me, it shows a Libtard Socialist mindset, similar to their attitude about “helping the poor poor blacks”. Keep them in their ghetto, make them dependent on EBT, watch them as they shoot each other, watch their infrastructure crumble, all while you have your social consciousness party, with your like minded tony friends, to collect money to “aid them in their plight”. which amounts to a few dollars left over after you’re done paying for the champagne and brie for the party.

    Having said all that, I went to the other site where the cartoon (may have)originated, and I thought that was the most pointless socialist whiney drivel ever.

  3. I mentioned the knock-out game to a cop I was having a conversation with once and he didn’t know what I was talking about. He had never heard of it. So I got the bastid hooked on watching the youtube videos.
    People just don’t get the necessary information from the lame-stream media. You would think all cops would know about such a thing. Fact is, some of them don’t.
    The knock-out game is a fire that should have been completely extinguished a long time ago, but our racist progressive media is completely silent about it. And progressive politicians work hard to hide all of the truth. They have to make the white guy look bad. The conservative has to be the loser, not the dangerous criminals.

    Our “leaders” should be rounded up and locked down in insane asylums. Or the other remedy. * (you know what)

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