All But One Senate Democrat Go on The Record for Unlimited Abortions – IOTW Report

All But One Senate Democrat Go on The Record for Unlimited Abortions

Red State

Let it be known that the politicians of the Democrat Party in Washington are either evil or cowardly with the exception of one.

Reports say that Democrats had brought Roe v Wade to the floor in order to codify it into law. The goal was to legalize abortion nationwide up until birth with what would be no limits. As you can imagine, every single Republican voted against this and they were joined by none other than West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin who had indicated that he’d vote against it earlier in the day. More

How radical is the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act”? This radical Here

9 Comments on All But One Senate Democrat Go on The Record for Unlimited Abortions

  1. Yes, the democrats are nuts and very dangerous, and often treasonous.

    But the GOPe is very dangerous and often treasonous. And often alcoholic.

    Trump, De Santis, Jordan, Cruz, Rand Paul: they need to form a new party and ditch the scum of the GOPe.

  2. Two of my kids were born about 8 weeks premature. They are healthy and in their 30s now. So don’t give me any bullshit about how fetuses are not viable up to the point of actual birth – I know from personal experience they are.

    What kind of sadistic asshole would have an abortion late in the third trimester, unless they just like killing babies? Maybe we have an amendment to any future abortion bill that Democrat politicians can be aborted any time they are in office, as well as a provisions that anyone who has an abortion after a fetus becomes viable be sterilized so this issue does not arise again with such person.

  3. There are so many to blame for the thrill & financial killing of babies. Just look at the food, and Drug companies who use fetus tissue for their products. You know that those powerful groups are making the Democrats, & Republicans rich beyond their wildest dreams. It truly is pure evil. 🙁

  4. I wouldn’t praise Manchin too much. When I heard about this on the radio he supposedly said he would have voted for it if it didn’t have a bunch of crap added to it.

    I still wonder why my otherwise nice friends that are Dems still vote Dem.

    It’s like they just can’t admit being wrong and are willing to take the country down with them. Maybe being retired insulates them from the consequences of their choices. It’s a bit frustrating.

  5. “If we can accept THAT, we can accept ANYTHING.”

    We’ve been accepting that for almost 50 years.
    But, yes, these are the same people who would gladly set up a KZ system or GULAG.
    Killing defenseless innocents is easier than killing those willing to defend themselves.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. At this point, desperation within the Democrat party will force them to take extreme measures to survive. They have already accepted public worship of Satanism.


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