An Invitation To Play “Futbol” Turns Ugly – IOTW Report

An Invitation To Play “Futbol” Turns Ugly

A white male student and a “latina” got into it last year at Oberlin College over his invitation for her to attend a Latino Heritage Month talk and participate in an intramural soccer game.

blood on the futbol

She turned down the invitation and posted a scathing response to the Oberlin Microaggressions blog.

The e-mail exchange between the two of themĀ is identity comedy gold that needs to been seen for the idiocy to be believed.


The Atlantic goes to a couple of sociologists to explain this a game of “Whose the Bigger Diversity A*hole” occurred.

Oh, sweet Mother of God! Just how stupid are leftists that they can’t recognize or admit to the consequences of their own failed attempt to garner virtue from identity?

42 Comments on An Invitation To Play “Futbol” Turns Ugly

  1. I almost felt bad for him after she went at him hammer and tongs for his “white privilege” and the use of the word “futbol” – but when he started talking about his “second family” in Costa Rica, I was so glad she gave him a figurative kick in the balls.

  2. at the end of the day….it’s still a very boring game to watch unless your playing in it or know somebody that is….still pretty boring….give me NHL playoff hockey all the time….

  3. I have friends that are glued to the TV for the Tour De France too….just gives me more time in the kitchen talking’ to their wimmens’ and eatin’ salsa and barbecue….your right…it IS a great event….

  4. I think she’s pissed that she’s Latino in a white privilege country. She will never achieve the same privilege of being white, nor will she ever be equal with a male with white privilege. She may as well face it and live with it because it isn’t going to change. She’s lucky to be in this country and if Trump gets in, her Mexican ass is going back from where it came from. A man of white privilege (Trump) is going to do it. Take your futbol and go home.

  5. A joke from my friend, last name Valdez…(my adopted mexican family, and my other mexican adopted family Medina who would laugh considerably also at this…)

    Mexican word of the day. CHEAT. Use CHEAT in a sentence.
    My friend Charlie just told me a joke and i laughed so hard i almost CHEAT my pants.

  6. The spicspanic bitch is just ate up with anger cuz in 15 years she’s gonna look like a wrinkled overcooked turkey.

    5′ tall, 220 lbs., flatulent, smelling like jalapeƱo peppers, with rotting teeth.

  7. I suspect her complaint about the others on the team not passing her the ball is because she’s actually lousy at soccer.

    The white boy here probably had her on the team to feel good about his own inclusiveness.

    These two self-righteous diversity warriors deserve to be stranded on an inland with only “Wilson” for company.

  8. the article at the Atlantic calls this “victim culture”.

    This is better described as “cloaca culture”, for the combination of being a pussy and an azzhole. Same for the rest of the PC c*ap we are stuck with – attempts to stifle speech by whining about offenses to the modern PRIVILEGED peoples.

  9. Confession: I taught math at Oberlin for 1 year in the 1980’s. This was after a stint teaching math in Ferkesee Dougou, Cote D’Ivoire, the Christian part of the country.
    Teaching in the Ivory Coast was a dream. The kids smiling and eager to learn, always polite to teachers and elders. Parents supportive and wanting their kids to be educated for more opportunities. I loved it.

    Teaching at Oberlin was a horrendous mistake. I absolutely hated the vast majority of students I encountered. The towns people were rarely thrilled with them. Nasty condescending privileged little rich brats with an entitlement mentality. Rude, ill-dressed and often dirty. Lots of chubby girls with 40DD’s bouncing all over the place. No guys, it’s not a pretty sight.

    The tolerable students were invariably on financial scholarships and far from wealthy.
    There were times when I wanted to off a few. I found another job and left.

    It was bad enough in the ’80’s and now it’s a freak show. One thing I always found funny were the letters to the school paper from graduates. They warned students to prepare themselves for real life and not being pampered catered to little pricks. Imagine the outrage.
    These twerps can go curl up in fetal position and die.

  10. LOL….naw I understand….LOL…but it’s 100% true…..I’ve tried to express this at more then one of these gatherings, but the food is so good that it’s gonna knock your knickers in the drink and…..for God’s sake…..everybody is HAPPY….so, I don’t….I prefer happy people….

  11. Wow, they’re both assholes but the latino can’t spell or put together a decent sentence. Gee, I wonder how she got in to college. I’ll bet Oberon College is just thrilled that this made it to the Atlantic where even the lefty’s that read it can figure out that sending their kid to this place isn’t going to do them any favors.

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