Arizona: Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust In History At The US Border – IOTW Report

Arizona: Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust In History At The US Border

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized enough fentanyl to kill over 50 million people from a truck that was trying to cross the southern border into the United States, according to an investigation by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

15 Comments on Arizona: Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust In History At The US Border

  1. Killer drugs. Drugs that destroy more Americans than cigarette smoking, car crashes, shootings, or anything else that ruins or takes lives.
    Parents, like me, who watched helplessly as their child sinks into the drug culture know the anguish and agony of seeing their lives destroyed. It gets so bad, one prays that their child will be arrested, sent to prison where maybe, just maybe , they can get clean. Mind altering drugs are not fun, they aren’t cool or sexy, they are just poison that destroy everyone they touch.
    sorry for TMI, but I was there.

  2. If I were PDJT, I would lead with this Tuesday night at the SOTU.

    Enough dope to snuff out 50 million people, and Grannie Nanners just sits on her highly Botoxed ass behind him chewing her dentures and rolling her eyes?

    Bad optics for Team Blue, I’m thinking.

  3. And unless I’m wrong, this Fentanyl is sent through Mexico by our bestest friends, and dope producers, the Red Chinese.

    Nope, no need for a wall.

    Not if you’re on the payroll of the Cartels or the Commies, I mean.

  4. There are no bad optics for team blew.

    They’re f*cking nuts…They simply do not care

    I watched as some libtarded dipshit went off Today on FB

    talking about how those Covington Monsters surrounded that

    poor old man…This is many, many, many, Days after the

    real story came out….A F*cking Brick Wall of stupidity…

    I was actually glad I’m in FB Jail and couldn’t respond …

    because I’d be in FB jail over responding…

    Our only concern is Voter Fraud…That’s the only way the dnc exists.

  5. Related observation: I’m wondering what to make of the fact that in the past, the quantity of seized drugs was characterized by “street value” but today, especially for fentanyl, the measurement units are “people killed”.

  6. The U.S. MUST make the drug mules turn over ALL the info on who is paying for the shipments (upon penalty of death, if necessary). That’s the only way we’re going to put a dent in their future attempts. American addicts aren’t going to insist that this end — and kids are too young and stupid to think drug death can happen to them.

    The Left wants to kill as many Americans as it can –hence the legalization of “recreational” marijuana. Don’t tell me it’s harmless. This continual drip, drip, drip of incremental lawlessness and attack on our society’s morals — in every case — is all about destroying us.

  7. Probably carried in by human beings that are only trying to better their station in life

    Nogales is about 15 miles south of me. Three times, I’ve witnessed mules carrying loads across my property in the wash behind my house in broad daylight (who knows how many I HAVEN’T noticed). BTW, I live about a mile or so from where BP agent Brian Terry was killed. I have BP on speed dial.

  8. That’s 115.3kg of reasons to build the wall. Fentanyl kills so many people.

    May Nancy Pelosi rot in Hell for her support of infanticide (murder by abortion) and trying to kill us with illicit drugs. She claims she is Catholic, but she is an unrepentant abortion supported and a liar. God will judge her harshly.

  9. srdem65 –

    That was not TMI. Personal experiences are better than flippant opinions.

    I can’t imagine the grief you’ve had with this. Some here have also been in your shoes.

    May God Bless all of you with strength.

  10. But I’m just cynical enough to note that there are more drug busts being reported since the campaign to build the wall started. Sort of like Fast and Furious, except ICE is on our side.


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