Articles by BFH
Membrane that can keep your heart pumping forever
They say it could be ready in 10 years. Good luck qualifying for one with the bronze plan. Daily Mail Scientists have created an external membrane using a 3-D printer [Read More]
If You Were to Respond to Jim Himes on ObamaCare?
How would you answer his take on Obamacare? If you were to make a commercial of Himes, what bite(s) would you use and how would you respond to him?
2025?? Won’t we have flying cars running on magnets or something?
WAPO The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday rolled out a rule to further limit sulfur in gasoline, saying the action will cut automobile emissions, provide welcome relief to people with [Read More]
On Second Thought, Maybe We Should Bomb Japan Again
ABC- Japan pledged more than $200 million in aid Saturday to help the Palestinian Authority, as representatives from 22 nations reiterated their support of the Palestinians’ quest for their own [Read More]
h/t Bitterclinger Gateway Pundit Susan ‘Medea’ Benjamin announced on Twitter Monday night she is being held in a jail cell at the Cairo, Egypt airport: “I’m being held in a [Read More]
This ad passed the smell test?
Full disclosure. I live in New York. Yes, we do call New Jersey the armpit of America. (It really does stink in the industrial areas.) But we wouldn’t say it [Read More]
What’s the Most Expensive City To Live In?
[poll id=’154′] ANSWER HERE ,
Florida seeks triple sentence of 60 years for woman who fired warning shot JACKSONVILLE — A Florida woman could end up in prison for 60 years when she’s retried for firing a shot in the direction of her estranged husband and two [Read More]
It’s Time
Will Connecticut Be The Soil of A Thousand Waco’s ? Looming Clouds Of Gun Enforcement Building….. . “…The war on liberty is coming to a head in Connecticut, where tens of thousands [Read More]
Maryland’s Obamacare Website A Total Disaster And Citizens Are NOT Happy
The Right Scoop “The state still has no plan to fix it.” No plan to fix an Obamacare mess? What a surprise. I’m pretty sure that’s in the administration’s guidelines [Read More]
Will Chris Christie Go Along With the Most Ridiculous Gun Ban in the Nation?
Washington Times The New Jersey Assembly’s Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum [Read More]
Obama: “Next week, I’ll send Congress a budget that will rebuild…transportation systems & support millions of jobs” ht/ Jammie Wearing Fools Does Obongo believe this, or is this [Read More]