Ambassador Yovanovitch Regularly Violated Geneva Convention In Ukraine
John Solomon The first time I ever heard the name of U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was in early March of this year. It did not come from a [Read More]
John Solomon The first time I ever heard the name of U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was in early March of this year. It did not come from a [Read More]
The Hill A campaign official for President Trump ’s 2020 campaign said Tuesday that roughly a quarter of those who attend his rallies identify as either a Democrat or an [Read More]
Town Hall As America’s massive national debt continues climbing to even greater heights, recently surpassing $23 trillion, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has introduced a resolution that calls for the installation [Read More]
Daily Caller Chinese police have appeared patrolling the streets in several European cities. They have appeared in cities like Paris, Rome, and Milan to protect and provide assistance to Chinese [Read More]
Variety The entire cast of the NBC soap opera “Days of Our Lives” have been released from their contracts, Variety has confirmed. The daytime drama has run for over 13,000 [Read More]
Star Tribune: Gov. Tony Evers refused to release one day’s worth of emails as requested under Wisconsin’s open records law, a move advocacy groups say is an illegal interpretation of [Read More]
ESPN NFL clubs were informed Tuesday that a private workout will be held for free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick on Saturday in Atlanta, according to a copy of a memo obtained [Read More]
While few noted last year, the ruling body that sets the standards for signatory nations, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set the goal of cutting green house gas emissions by [Read More]
The top racing class, Formula One, has set the ambitious goal making its race cars, racing teams and venues lower or offset their carbon emissions to zero in 10 years. [Read More]
It’s so common that the wife of a deceased house member in a deep blue urban district running for her dead husbands seat, that we hardly take notice. But Maya [Read More]
Hint: Happy Veteran’s Day Watch
Conservative Treehouse You might have noticed today how former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N, Nikki Haley, has grabbed multiple headlines. Apparently within her new book, the former South Carolina republican [Read More]
MSN Neil Young says his marijuana use has cast a cloud over his application to become a dual citizen in the United States. The legendary singer-songwriter and proud Canadian says [Read More]
Even after three years of constant pounding by the bias media, the soft coup attempt by the swamp and year of bogus impeachment inquiries from the House, President Donald Trump’s approval rating [Read More]
Sundance has posted a multicolored highlighted portion of the Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman testimony before the House Inel committee. Though long and distracting one can discern that the Lt. Col. came very [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.