Go Poll Yourselves Democrats
Apparently I’m not the only one tired of the talking heads on TV blaring on endlessly about the latest polling data, like its actually reliable. It isn’t. They are ignoring [Read More]
Apparently I’m not the only one tired of the talking heads on TV blaring on endlessly about the latest polling data, like its actually reliable. It isn’t. They are ignoring [Read More]
Leslie Millwee has provided an exclusive interview with Breitbart describing how BILL CLINTON, sexually assaulted her in 1980. Ms. Millwee was a reporter in Arkansas when she was reporting on [Read More]
In my part of the world, bear hunters have always used dogs to track bears. They spend a lot of money breeding, caring for, training and tracking their animals. This [Read More]
Sharyl Attkisson calls the evidence of the fourth estate’s willing participation in Hillary Clinton’s campaign run, while cloaking themselves in the mantel of impartiality, Newsgate 2016. She names the participants who [Read More]
You can learn a lot exchanging comments with liberals. I did this past weekend when Jim Gaffigan posted a YouTube video asking the coastal progressives to actually try to have a conversation with [Read More]
This piece from the executive editor of Cracked is very good. It defines the battle lines that have been drawn in bold clear colors for all to see this election season. [Read More]
In what is clearly an open and shut case of attempted evidence tampering and attempted bribery of a federal official, Undersecretary of Management at the State Department Patrick Kennedy should be prosecuted to [Read More]
In a stunning revelation gleaned from the leaked e-mails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, indicated his dislike of the Iran Nuke deal with a simple one word declaration- “Yup.” It’s a [Read More]
The headline for the Washington Post piece screamed “Trump’s refusal to accept intelligence briefing on Russia stuns experts” and it was soon picked and run with by the likes [Read More]
The multi-talented Dwayne Johnson, “The Rock” took a few moments this last summer to offer up his own rendition of Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight” with new lyrics just for Hillary [Read More]
See this creep? Not the freak show in the foreground with the dog collar, the little a*hole with the yellow cap and flannel shirt just peaking over the shoulder to the [Read More]
With the announcement yesterday that the $100 limit on Cuban cigars and rum is being lifted, residents of The United States will have the opportunity to purchase as much of these [Read More]
Call them the smoking gun or the missing link, but the e-mails generated by top Hillary Clinton aid, Caitlin Klevorick, gives clear testimony that people who were friends of Bill [Read More]
Citing a federal law protecting arms manufactures from being sued over how their product is used, a Connecticut judge dismissed the lawsuit by the families of the Sandy Hook school [Read More]
Title X is a provision created by our federal government 46 years ago to federal fund “family planning clinics.” It’s yet another means to insure taxpayer money goes to Planned Parenthood. At least [Read More]
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