Beach Bum Biden Sets New Standard in Absenteeism – IOTW Report

Beach Bum Biden Sets New Standard in Absenteeism

Red State

President Joe Biden saw fit to head to one of his two Delaware beach homes this weekend, adding to the 188 full or partial days away from the White House spent vacationing since he took office. It’s not as if there’s much going on, right? At the rate he’s going, he could become the most highly-vacationed president in US history.

When he’s not vacationing in Delaware, he also likes to visit Camp David and Nantucket. His sojourns break down thusly: 130 days in either Rehoboth or Wilmington, Delaware, 52 days at the presidential retreat at Camp David in Frederick, Maryland, and six days on the luxury island of Nantucket. No word on whether he windsurfs with John Kerry while on the island. More

15 Comments on Beach Bum Biden Sets New Standard in Absenteeism

  1. I can picture Joe now, strolling along the beach in his Bermuda shorts, socks and sandals, straw hat, and his metal detector. Now, THAT’s presidential!

  2. I disagree that Biden spends too much time vacation – I think he would do less damage if he spent more time vacationing. But he needs to take a lot of Democrat legislators with him.

  3. See his body double strolling along the beach collecting bits of driftwood and the odd seashell while media cameras are held over a mile away so even zoom lenses can’t tell the difference between him and the little ‘Big Man’ himself (“laugh at that you stupid bastards”) who is safely ensconced inside hooked up to his usual med bags and a B-12 vitamin drip while enjoying his afternoon ice cream before a programmed Lid nap.

  4. It doesn’t matter. He’s irrelevant. The imbecile could be in Washington or dancing on Saturn’s rings as far as “his” “administration” is concerned. In reality, his near weekly trips to Delaware are for secret shock treatments so he can appear half lucid for the few minutes he’s forced to appear in public.

  5. More proof our government lies, constantly and consistently.

    If Shitpants frequented Bethany or Rehoboth, those beaches would be closed due to soaring e coli contamination of the surf.

  6. Dementia Joe needs more time to recuperate than any previous President, because he tires easily and needs quality time with Doktor Jill and Humper. It’s how he rests up for the four days when Poor Clueless Joey spends about one or two hours a day going over his teleprompter remarks that have been written and vetted by Susan Rice and Baracky Osmidgen. Mustn’t let him off the leash. That Big White Rabbit is never far from Empty Joe. Neither is the guy with the nuclear launch codes.

  7. WH Presser.

    Reporter: Where is President Biden today?

    WH Press Secretary: He’s spending the day at the beach in Delaware.

    Reporter: What’s he doing there?

    WH Press Secretary: He’s just sniffing around down there…he loves to do that.

    Reporter: Isn’t that beach a nude beach?

    WH Press Secretary: Yes I believe it is. He’s sniffing around down there, like I said.

  8. The useless incapable weakling Joe Biden likely is ded and doesn’t have the sense to lie down and pull the sheet over his creep face. Waiting for the simpleton script-writers and teleprompter to tell him what to do.


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