Biden Calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch” On a Hot Mic – IOTW Report

Biden Calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch” On a Hot Mic



President Joe Biden on Monday called a reporter a “stupid son of a bitch” after he was asked whether inflation was a “political liability in the midterms.”

It wasn’t just any reporter. It was Fox News’ Peter Doocy, the network’s rising star who is known for needling the president and for his clashes with White House press secretary Jen Psaki during daily briefings. More

33 Comments on Biden Calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch” On a Hot Mic

  1. I listen to this asshole and just wish that I was the individual he challenged to meet in the parking lot during his campaign. I’d have taken him up on it, consequences be damned. That fucker deserves it. I wish nothin but plague and pestilence on his entire family.

  2. Joe Biden has always been a gangster wanna be. But he’s too stupid to be a gangster wanna be. Disgusted that anyone actually voted for him, I see people who have Biden stickers on their cars to this day, and I want to kick them as they get out of their vehicles. Stupid SOBs who voted for him for real.

  3. Joe Biden has never been a smart man. He’s been a 100% phony politician all of his political career. Democrats have a propensity of endorsing people with questionable ethics. LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama and now Biden. Carter was just an idiot but the other three were lying bastards just like Biden. BTW, the “Build Back Better” theme started with Clinton. The same guy who ended The Glass–Steagall legislation of the United States Banking Act of 1933 separating commercial and investment banking. This opened the door to the mortgage crisis that crushed the economy during Obama’s rein of socialism. Democrats want to crush the economy so everyone becomes dependent on Big Government. Go figure

  4. For all the decades that I’ve known about Jackass Joe, they always thought of him as the dumbest bastard in the Senate! I wonder what his dad Steve will say about this.
    From now on Peter should preface any questions to Jackass Joe like this:
    This dumb Son of a bitch would like to ask you…
    As just a dumb son of a bitch…

  5. Honestly, why do they ever give this guy a hot mic? They know he will say something stupid. It does not matter how much prep he has. He will go off script.


  6. UPDATE, The Retard called Doocy and said “Come on man”. Doocy excepted that as an apology. I would have told him you need to call my mother and apologize publicly. I guess “Son Of A Bitch”is now a generic insult.
    Not a big fan of either Doocy.

  7. I’m probably in the minority, but I think Doocy is a wuss. He asks questions and Psaki cuts him down, making her look smarter and superior in libtard eyes (even though her answers are all lies). You hope he would put up a good fight and come back with something of substance, but he quietly puts his tail between his legs and shuts up.

  8. I’m just curious here. It seems to me that Biden has made the ulitmate faux pas that no one is talking about. By calling Doocy a son-of-a bitch, I believe that Biden has potentially misgendered Doocy. What if Doocy identifies as a woman and prefers to be called a daughter-of-a bitch? Isn’t that some sort of mortal sin that goes against the leftist dogma? Where’s the outrage? Where’s the cancellations? And why the fuck isn’t D.C. being looted and burned to the ground? /sarc

  9. Only a stupid son of a bitch uses spray on hair you bald ass bastard.

    I love it when you turn your spindly ass around to run from the press and we see your actual head of “hair”.

    The plugs have gotten so thin you use spray can filler before your your public appearances you fake ass rat fucker.

    Go to hell and die already. Or die and go to hell. Either option works for me.


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